Introduction & Overview Project Organization Plan for Next Week
TESLA Internship Volunteers Volunteer Staff: Mike Harris (Boeing) Kevin Kelleher (Aerojet Rocketdyne) David King (Aerojet Rocketdyne) Bob Masse (Aerojet Rocketdyne) Cliff Olmstead (Aerojet Rocketdyne) Jon Polaha (Aerojet Rocketdyne) John Robinson (Aerojet Rocketdyne) Steve Sergev (Boeing Retired) Richard Smith (Aerojet Retired) Charles Sota (Aerojet Rocketdyne) Kim Wierenga(Aerojet Rocketdyne)
Introduction Internship Objective: Design and build a bipropellant rocket Develop analytical models to predict flight performance Ground test the rocket engine Compete in the ESRA rocket competition in June 2016 in Utah Rocket Performance Projections: Thrust : 100 lbf Propellant: Liquid Oxygen (LOX)/Ethanol Thrust Time: 30 sec Estimated Altitude: TBD 8’ 10”
Experimental Sounding Rocket Competition (Utah) Experimental Sounding Rocket University Completion Permission received for STEM participation Sponsored by Space Dynamics Lab Logan Utah Launch Site Launch in June 2016 Prizes A technical paper – 6 pages 15-minute oral presentation on the rocket design will be given at the beginning of the competition.
Types of Rockets Liquid Fueled Rocket Solid Fueled Rocket (rocket motor) Liquid Fueled Rocket (rocket engine)
100 lbf Lox/Ethanol Rocket Engine LOX/Ethanol Rocket Overview Antenna Thrust Structure COPV Pressurant Tank Recovery Section Telemetry Module Ethanol Tank LOX Tank GHeTank Nosecone Mold Recovery Parachute 100 lbf Lox/Ethanol Rocket Engine Batteries
Feed System Ethanol Fuel Valve Helium Oxidizer Valve Liquid Oxygen P Service Valve Check Valve Pressure Regulator Pyro Isolation Valve Relief Valve Helium Liquid Oxygen Ethanol Fuel Valve Oxidizer Valve
Introduction & Overview Project Organization Plan for Next Week
Internship Structure & Expectations Meet Wednesdays 12:30 to 2:00 No class on days that school is not in session Lecture Structure ~1/3 of the time spent on lectures initially Remaining time will be working as a team on specific tasks Volunteers will be available to meet after school as necessary to work specifics tasks Subsystem teams will keep an engineering notebook (data book) Project management team is responsible for ensuring that we stay on schedule and within budget Rocket fabrication activity on select weekends Engine test at Arlington (Nov?)
Planned Lectures Rocket Overview / Project Schedule Development Rocket Engine / Feed System / Requirements Summary Basic Rocket Performance / Systems Engineering Stability and Control Telemetry / Avionics Structures More to follow
Avionics, Software & Telemetry Project Organization Team coordination Schedule tracking Financial tracking Logistics Project Management Performance analysis Requirements tracking Program technical coordination Mass properties tracking Stability Analysis Aerodynamic drag estimation Systems Engineering Launch Rail Avionics, Software & Telemetry Design and fabrication of the launch tower Power budgeting Battery definition Rocket processor programing Data Acquisition Engine & Feed System Recovery Structure Recover logic def. Logic implementation Chute sizing Basic structural analysis Materials & processes Structural design Basic fluid flow Material compatibility Engine performance estimation Test data reduction Design
Project Management Program Management Key Tasks/Responsibilities Completion of the program on time and on budget Competition Requirements Summary Schedule Development & Management Aerojet Rocketdyne Grant Proposal Project Finances Fund Raising Logistics Competition Coordination Support rocket build
Systems Engineering Systems Engineering Tasks Rocket mass properties estimation & tracking Flight performance analysis Stability analysis Requirements management Aerodynamic drag estimation Provide analysis support to other teams Support rocket build
Launch Rail Launch Rail Tasks Design launch tower Fab launch tower Design & Fab launch lugs Tower test Support rocket build
Avionics, Software, Telemetry Avionics, S/W, Telemetry Tasks Valve position feedback electronics Valve driver Thruster valve control software Recovery system electronics & S/W Telementry system design & fab Support rocket build
Recovery Recovery Tasks: Recovery system requirements development Recovery system concept development Fab parachute & recovery hardware Develop recovery logic Support rocket build
Engine & Feedsystem Engine / Feed System Tasks: Upgrade ground test stand (propellant valves) Develop a new ignition system design Test stand calibration Engine test conductor Flight propellant feedsystem & valve actuator design Support rocket build
Structures Structures Tasks: Fabricate composite fins Fabricate composite nose cone Fabricate LOX tank Support rocket build
Introduction & Overview Project Organization Plan for Next Week
Subsystem Team Selection Next Week: Subsystem Team Selection Signup sheets – need someone to work this? Mr. Saxby will facilitate Review “Experimental Sounding Rocket Association” website Next week class will participate in developing overall rocket development schedule
Project Task Summary Engine / Feed System: Structure: Launch Rail: Upgrade ground test stand (propellant valves) Develop a new ignition system design Test stand calibration Engine test conductor Flight feedsystem & valve actuator design Support rocket build Structure: Fabricate composite fins Fabricate composite nose cone Fabricate LOX tank Launch Rail: Design launch tower Fab launch tower Design & Fab launch lugs Tower test Avionics, S/W, Telemetry: Valve position feedback electronics Valve driver Thruster valve control software Recovery system electronics & S/W Telementry system design & fab Program Management: Completion of the program on time and on budget Competition Requirements Summary Schedule Development & Management Aerojet Rocketdyne Grant Proposal Project Finances Fund Raising Logistics Competition Coordination Support rocket build Systems Engineering: Rocket mass properties estimation & tracking Flight performance analysis Stability analysis Requirements management Aerodynamic drag estimation Provide analysis support to other teams Recovery: Recovery system requirements development Recovery system concept development Fab parachute & recovery hardware Develop recovery logic
Program Management
Systems Engineering
Engine & Feedsystem
Launch Tower
Avionics (Software, Telemetry)