Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics Summer school in Dubna Prepared by: B. Andel (SVK), E. Govor (BLR), K. V. Mareš (CZE), M. Mazánová (SVK), A. Moravcsík (SVK), V. Voronova (BLR) Supervisor : prof. M. V. Frontasyeva, FLNP
The founders of FLNP
Introduction Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) is a sensitive multi-element analytical technique used for both qualitative and quantitative analysis of major, minor, trace and rare elements NAA was discovered in 1936 by G. Hevesy (Hungary) and H. Levi (Denmark)
Forms of NAA Destructive ( radiochemical ) - the resulting radioactive sample is chemically decomposed, and the elements are chemically separated Nondestructive ( instrumental ) - the resulting radioactive sample is kept intact
Detection Irradiated samples are analyzed by gamma-spectrometry
Neutron sources Isotopic neutron sources ( 252 Cf, 242 Am) Neutron generators Nuclear reactors At FLNP the pulsed fast reactor IBR-2 is used
Neutrons Thermal eV-0.5 eV Epithermal 0.5 eV-100 keV Fast 100 keV-25 MeV
Characteristics of INAA Non-destructive analysis The chemical form and physical state of the elements do not influence the activation and decay process Multi-element analytical technique C, H, N, O and Si do not activate well Suitable even for determination of masses in the order of 10 –6 –10 –9 g and less
Applications of INAA at FLNP Environmental studies (migration of pollutants in ecosystems, air pollution studies using moss-biomonitors) Biotechnology for medicine (development of new phar maceuticals and sorbents ) Material Science (high purity materials, nanoparticles and objects of national heritage)
Dependence of counts on distance between detector and gamma-source
References P. Bode: Instrumental and organizational aspects of a neutron activation analysis laboratoty Budapest/NEUTRON_ACTIVATION_ANALYSIS.htm
Foto by Kamil Vavrinec Mares Thank you for your attention