Himeji castle, Himeji Sengoku
Interiors – Himeji castle Sengoku
Bridges at Uji, screen, silk on wood frame, Art Institute Chicago Sengoku
Sengoku Southern Barbarian style lacquer - western Dutch-style gin bottles Armor coat with Persian carpet design
Screen with images of Tale of Genji Sengoku
Kano school screen - geese Kano school screen - landscapes Sengoku
Toyotomi Hideyoshi Sengoku
Tea bowl and whisk Sen Rikyu Founder of Modern tea Sengoku
Sengoku Sen Sotatsu 14th – Hounsai Direct descendant of Rikyu Current head of O-ura Sengoku
Sengoku Flower vase by Sen Rikyu Tea bowl, whisk and scoop Tea caddy in silk bag Sengoku
Path to Tea house – Tea house entrance Sengoku
Sengoku Formal style tea bowl - Chinese Rikyu style tea bowl - raku Bag for bowl Sengoku
Tea scoop Camellia – tea flowers Tea house interior Sengoku
Bronze tea kettle Ido style tea bowl - Hagi Sengoku
Tea sweets Sengoku
Kaiseki Tea meal Lacquer bowls Sengoku
Armor and battle formation – Sekigahara October 1608
Edo Edo period fashionistas, screen fragment
Edo Travelling shrine with seven gods of fortune surrounding Benten
Edo Kutani plate – foxes wedding Lacquer ashtray and Dowry chest
Lacquer box - tebako Plates by Ogata Kenzan Edo
Rimpa school screen of cherry blossoms and river, seashore Edo
Screens of Thunder and Wind By Sotatsu – Rimpa school Edo
Fan screen Peacocks by Ito Jakuchu Edo
Edo Dragon rising up waterfall - scroll
Warrior scene woodblock prints Edo
Advertisement of Kabuki actors – woodblock print Edo
Bunraku puppets Kabuki Shibaraku Fuji Musume Edo
Edo Actor print by Sharaku
Embroidered and brocaded kimono Woodblock print of courtesans Edo
Shinto Shinto shrine before consrtuction Gate in the sea before Ise Jingu Shinto
Shinto Nachi waterfall and the shrine to the Nachi god Fuji – one of the premier kami of Japan Shinto
Shinto procession to a small shrine
Shinto Predominance of red and white in Shinto – garments and architecture Shinto
Red and white in food NB similarity to Japanese flag Shinto
Shinto Later shinto image of a kami – Buddhist iconographic influence