Ratio and Proportion I can use ratio to compare one amount to another. I can simplify a ratio. I can compare prices of products to find the ‘best buy.’ I can divide an amount into a given ratio. I can solve problems using ratio in appropriate situations. I understand and can use proportionality. I can find formulae describing direct or inverse proportion and use them to solve problems. Pupil Version
Level45678 Ratio and Proportion I can use ratio to compare one amount to another. I can simplify a ratio. I can compare prices of products to find the ‘best buy.’ I can divide an amount into a given ratio. I can solve problems using ratio in appropriate situations. I understand and can use proportionality. I can find formulae describing direct or inverse proportion and use them to solve problems. Teacher Version
Write 16 :12 in its simplest form. 28 pupils are going on a visit. They are in the ratio of 3 girls to 4 boys. How many boys are there? Three bars of chocolate cost 90p. How much would six bars cost? How much would twelve bars cost? The angles in a triangle are in the ratio 6:5:7. Find the sizes of the three angles. How do you go about finding the missing numbers in this table? Can you do it in a different way? What is the ratio of black counters to white counters. MilesKilometres 58 ?20 36?
Key WordNever Heard it before. Heard it but not sure what it means. Heard it and can explain its meaning. Ratio Divide Share Simplify Simplest Form Factor Common Factors Equivalent Ratios