Presentation By, Agni Ravi Deepa - VI - C.


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Presentation transcript:

Presentation By, Agni Ravi Deepa - VI - C

Hey! My name is Agni, and I’m here to tell you about the dangers of Obesity Continue >>>>>

Obesity What is obesity? The growing problem What are the causes? What are the effects? What can you do?

What is obesity? Obesity is a posh word for someone who is very over weight. A person is considered obese when his or her weight is 20% or more above normal weight

Obesity The growing problem ! What is obesity? What are the causes? What are the effects? What can you do?

The growing problem Obesity remains a major health issue for individuals residing in the UAE. UAE schoolchildren are 1.8 times more obese than US children, UAE is ranked as18 on a list of the world’s fattest countries 68.3% of its citizens are overweight I think something needs to be done !

Obesity What are the causes? The growing problem What is obesity? What are the effects? What can you do?

CAUSES FOR OBESITY genetic factors, lack of physical activity, Children become overweight and obese for a variety of reasons. The most common causes are genetic factors, lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating patterns, Click

So the causes of obesity is a combination of states and risk factors that work together to store more fat in our bodies, and these factors include: Inactivity: without activity you don’t burn as much calories. and you need to have more exercise to burn the excessive calories.

Diets: some bad eating habits like high calories diets epically in the night, or skipping a healthy breakfast, and replace it by junk fast food, all of that increase the body fat . click

Genetics:  genes affect the amount of body fat we store and where to store. Family lifestyle: not because of the genes we find the obesity runs in the families, it also because of their life style and the food they eat. We can notice that some countries such as UAE, have more obese people than others countries like Japan and this is because the culture and the life style.

Obesity The growing problem What is obesity? What are the causes? What are the effects? What can you do?

What are the effects? Physical Mental Children who are obese are likely to be obese as adults high cholesterol and highblood pressure leading to heart disease  Type 2 diabetes Mental social discrimination and low-self-esteem click I wouldn't like to have any of those!

Obesity What can we do? What is obesity? The growing problem What are the causes? What are the effects? What can we do?

Obesity What parents can do? What is obesity? The growing problem What are the causes? What are the effects? What parents can do?

What parents can do? be a good role model for your child.    emphasize healthy eating, keep fatty and sugary snacks to a minimum and keep fruits and vegetables increase their child's physical activity, perhaps by taking a few brisk walks with your child each week click

What can we do ?

What is 5210 ? or more fruits & vegetables hours or less recreational screen time* hour or more of physical activity sugary drinks, more water & low fat milk

Let us join together and make Obesity free UAE