School Bus Drivers Inservice
2 1. What is your cultural heritage? 2. Do you identify with that culture?
School Bus Drivers Inservice What are some family cultural traditions or practices? a. Food? b. Music? c. Holidays?
4. What, if anything, did your cultural background say to you about schooling, teachers, etc.? 5. What do you know about the cultural traditions of your co- workers and students? School Bus Drivers Inservice
6. What would you like to know regarding preceding question? 7. In what ways does your culture heritage affect your (or your family’s) participation in school? School Bus Drivers Inservice
8. Was there ever a time when the school or services provider acted in a way that was insensitive to your culture? 9. How do you recognize the different cultures present on you bus and within your school district ? School Bus Drivers Inservice
7 One of the greatest compliments you can pay a fellow human being is to recognize their existence. Just a simple “Hello”.
When People: o Must Interact. How People: o See, Interpret or Evaluate Things Differently. Many times Misunderstandings can result. School Bus Drivers Inservice
Students’ – expression are not attacks on driver or other students. Drivers’ – Should respect differences. Drivers’ – Should react or discipline based on actions not ethnicity or culture. School Bus Drivers Inservice
It is the foundation of communication. It involves the ability of standing back from ourselves and becoming aware of our cultural values, beliefs and perceptions. Why do we do things in that way? How do we see the world? Why do we act or react in that particular way? School Bus Drivers Inservice
Greetings. Signs of respect. Conversation styles. Dress codes. Food choices. Manners. Attitudes re: school, work, religion. School Bus Drivers Inservice
Eye contact. Apparent lack of assertiveness. Gestures – meanings not universal. Greetings – physical contact or not. Students’ academic achievement. Expressions of criticism or praise. Food choices. School Bus Drivers Inservice
School Bus Drivers Inservice Don’t assume. Find meaning.
We are not all the same. Similarities and differences are both important. There are multiple ways to reach the same goal. Each situation is different. School Bus Drivers Inservice
1. My way is the only way. 2. I know their way, but my way is better. 3. My Way and Their Way. 4. Our Way. School Bus Drivers Inservice
We need to increase; Self awareness. Cross-cultural awareness. Certain attitudes help to bridge cultures. School Bus Drivers Inservice
1. Admit that you don’t know. 2. Suspend judgments. 3. Empathy. 4. Self assessment —check your assumptions. School Bus Drivers Inservice
1. Take the initiative. 2. Show respect. 3. Learn how to pronounce names correctly. 4. Speaking slowly and clearly. School Bus Drivers Inservice
5. Be yourself. 6. Take time to listen. 7. Be careful about promises. 8. Don't allow differences to become basis for criticism and judgments. School Bus Drivers Inservice
Cultural Awareness is the foundation of communication. There is no book of instructions. Be Proud of your own Culture and respect others. School Bus Drivers Inservice
1. Define Cultural Awareness. 2. Name the 4 levels of cultural awareness. 3. Name 4 steps to improve cultural awareness sensitivity. School Bus Drivers Inservice
Cultural Awareness is defined as: 1. It is the foundation of communication. It involves the ability of standing back from ourselves and becoming aware of our Cultural values, beliefs and perceptions. Why do we do things in that way? How do we see the world? Why do we act or react in that particular way? School Bus Drivers Inservice
The 4 levels of cultural awareness: 1. My Way is the only Way, 2. I know their Way, but my Way is better, 3. My Way and Their Way, 4. Our Way. School Bus Drivers Inservice
The 8 steps to improve cultural awareness sensitivity are: 1. Take the initiative to make contact with the “student or parent" even if language is a problem at first. 2. Show respect for their culture and language. 3. Learn how to pronounce names. 4. Speak English slowly and clearly. School Bus Drivers Inservice
(Continued-The 8 steps to improve cultural awareness sensitivity are): 5. Be yourself. 6. Take time to listen. 7. Be careful about promises. 8. Don't allow cultural differences (preferences) to become the basis for criticism and judgments. School Bus Drivers Inservice
Remember, One of the greatest compliments you can pay a fellow human being is to recognize their existence. Just a simple “Hello”. School Bus Drivers Inservice