Page 1 17-Nov-15/Romania NP Efficient Management Consulting/1 NPE Confidential NP Efficient Management Solutions We will make your business better Marius Pancu Managing Partner
Page 2 17-Nov-15/Romania NP Efficient Management Consulting/2 NPE Confidential This is how we approach, comprehensive
Page 3 17-Nov-15/Romania NP Efficient Management Consulting/3 NPE Confidential We have a team of experts ready to work on your project We are experts in all process management and change management for: Sales & Distribution, Our team includes full time or part time sales people Project Management Marketing consulting & management, Quality Systems, Process & Procedures development and optimization; Risk based Operational & SoX Audit, Fraud investigations, Crisis Management, Procurement, Accounting /Financial services, IT, Change management
Page 4 17-Nov-15/Romania NP Efficient Management Consulting/4 NPE Confidential Here’s what NPE will do for you in short for S&D We’ll design and manage the Sales and Distribution network to stimulate demand so as to deliver adequate stocks of all products to all markets in order to ensure sustained growth in sales volume and market share; prepare annual sales budgets, supported by detailed sales, distribution and route-to-market plan for its achievement We have a S&D team of National experts in all distribution cannels We work with all IKA and with a National Retail and En Gross clients
Page 5 17-Nov-15/Romania NP Efficient Management Consulting/5 NPE Confidential Here’s what I will do for you in detail: Analyze the current market situation Develop strategies to ensure consistent growth in sales volume, brand penetration and market share based on deep understanding of demand distribution. Analyze consumer demand and ensure that the company’s products are available, accessible and competitive to ensure that sales targets are always achieved. Design systems and structures to ensure that the distribution system continually develops to meet existing and yet untapped demand that develop from marketing strategies. This will also include the development and management of specialist channels such as supermarkets, convenience stores, wholesale channels. Analyze review the network system the distribution system in place. Provide training and support on product knowledge, good handling and storage as well as good customer service to distributors and sales representatives to ensure that they are able to be effective as the primary interface with the customer.
Page 6 17-Nov-15/Romania NP Efficient Management Consulting/6 NPE Confidential Here’s what I will do for you in detail: Conduct on-site visits on a sustained and regular basis to obtain market insights and to ensure products are always available and well presented. Ensure distributors are motivated and driven towards exceptional performance through the development of incentive schemes such as promotions and awards. Analyze brand contributions and advise on pricing strategies to ensure growth in sales value by maintaining viable contributions from each brand. Program the off-take and re-order levels from the outstations distributors to enable supplies to be made on them in time. Commission research, analyze findings and present reports on trade dynamics (volume/value, shares, stock levels, etc.) as key inputs to management decisions regarding sales and marketing.
Page 7 17-Nov-15/Romania NP Efficient Management Consulting/7 NPE Confidential Project Management 50% of Project budget is not properly used Competition is 3 times larger Over 80% of the Project Strategy / Initiative is left to chance 31% of projects are canceled before completion 53% of projects cost nearly double the original estimate only 16% of projects com in time and budget Source: Management Center Europe
Page 8 17-Nov-15/Romania NP Efficient Management Consulting/8 NPE Confidential What do we do best in Marketing? CORE: Brand development Brand strategy Co-branding Re-branding Brand repositioning Brand extension EXTENDED: Developing marketing plans Marketing & Communication campaigns Marketing strategy Customer and competition analysis INCREASE PROFITABILITY
Page 9 17-Nov-15/Romania NP Efficient Management Consulting/9 NPE Confidential Audit Processes: ISO, SOX, Operational, Financial Highlight efficiency opportunities Understand complexities of the business (planning process) Document the business processes in flow charts & procedures Highlight control weaknesses through risk control matrices and testing Highlight areas of non-compliance with Policies & Procedures the overall risk to Companies is always the impact to: BRAND AND IMAGE
Page Nov-15/Romania NP Efficient Management Consulting/10 NPE Confidential How Do Crises Happen? Great Promotion Idea Fast to Market Unforeseen Design Problem Consumer Injured Poor Communication & Alignment Media Exposure Regulatory Intervention B
Page Nov-15/Romania NP Efficient Management Consulting/11 NPE Confidential Procurement In an era of faster product cycles, global competition and increased risk of supply chain disruption corporate leaders need to know how to use procurement–now often called supply management–as a competitive advantage. Purchasing and global sourcing can account for more than 50 percent of overall costs in many industries. NP works with clients to make procurement a strategic operation and realize huge bottom-line impact. We provide clients with support with everything from supplier negotiations to making the process and or organizational changes needed to sustain results. We are just a call away.
Page Nov-15/Romania Star Foods/12 PepsiCo Confidential Methodology Finance related IT..... Q Q Q Organisation Processes Overall objective: “Increase the value add of Finance & Accounting QA to audit and process improvement” IT Systems Accounting/ Financial sevices
Page Nov-15/Romania Star Foods/13 PepsiCo Confidential IT
Page Nov-15/Romania NP Efficient Management Consulting/14 NPE Confidential Step-by-step change management Journey Management ……. Change Enablement…. Organization Change Capability After Go-live support We help our clients define a future state, develop a road map to get there, establish a plan to achieve the desired business value, and manage progress along the way. Our services cover managing organizational change, enabling system and process change, and transitioning the new sourcing models. We help put in the competencies, leadership, structures and metrics that make our clients more change-capable we can help your organization and your people adjust to change transformation initiatives.) Achievement 1Achievement 2 STATUS -AS-IS Analysis -Phase 1…. -Communication…. -Trainings…..