Creation of Nepal Creation of Nepal -By Sunita Ghimire
Introduction Nepal is a natural beautiful country. It lies in the lack of big Himalay as mountains. Mt. Everest is timalay as mountains. Mt. Everest is timalay as mountains. Mt. Everest is the highest mountains of the world. Its height is actually 8848m. Similarly kanchannjangha,makalu, ganesh etc also lies in Nepal. There are so many famous temples in Nepal. Among them Shree Pashupatinath Swyambhu, Janaki etc. temples are famous in the world.
Festivals Neplease people celebrate so many festivals such as Dashain and Tihar celebrates only,hindu people. Lumbini is the birth place of god Gautam Buddha. Nepal is the second richest country in water resources. Karnali,Gandaki, Koshi,mahakali etc. are the main rivers.
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