B ELLWORK 10-3/6 What roles do you fulfill in your life? School, family, friends, work, etc. Which of these did you choose?
K EY T ERMS Define Social structure Status Ascribed status Achieved status Master status
S OCIAL S TRUCTURE The network of interrelated statuses and roles that guide human interaction.
S TATUS A socially defined position in a group or in a society.
T YPES OF S TATUS Ascribed status- Status assigned according to qualities beyond a person’s control. Achieved status- Status acquired through an individual’s direct efforts.
M ASTER S TATUS The status which plays the greatest role in shaping a person’s life and determining his or her social identity.
W HAT ’ S YOUR STATUS ? Master Status Achieved Status Ascribed Status
W HAT ’ S YOUR STATUS ? 30- something Brother American 7 Feet Tall College Grad. Volunteer Tutor Coach Teacher
M Y S TATUSES AscribedAchieved
K EY T ERMS Define Role Reciprocal roles Role expectations Role performance Role set Role conflict Role strain
R OLE The behavior-the rights and obligations- expected of someone occupying a particular status. Role Expectations- behavior expected of the person performing a role Role performance- the actual behavior
R ECIPROCAL ROLES Corresponding roles that define the patterns of interaction between related statuses. Roles which work with other statuses.
R OLES … Role set Different roles attached to a status Role conflict- When fulfilling the role expectations of one status makes it difficult to fulfill the role expectations of another status. Role Strain- When you are having difficulty fulfilling the role of one status.
S TATUSES AND THEIR ROLES StatusExamples of rolesConflicts/strain Your name/status Mr. Bacus/teacher Plan for 4 different classes Grade work from 180 students Discipline students Contact parents C -Time required to fulfill roles prevents me from fulfilling other status roles. S - Promoting hard working, disciplined learning, while also making school fun. Person’s name/status Real person Person’s name/ status fictional character