Sub:-Science Std:- 9 Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Dr. Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. Our Inspiration Dr. Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Mrs. Chavan V.S. Presented By B.Sc.B.Ed.(A) Sub:-Science Std:- 9 Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. Presented By Mrs. Chavan V.S. B.Sc.B.Ed.(A) Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Sub.:- Science Std.:- 9th Sub:-Science Std:- 9 Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. Sub.:- Science Std.:- 9th Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
SOLID WASTE MANEGEMENT : Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. SOLID WASTE MANEGEMENT : Solid is valuable resource, if we use it properly.Today the world is facing another problem of pollution as solid waste pollution, which has major role in pollution of soil and water. In human society, solid waste is a serios issue and has a linkage with economic growth, enviromental degredtion and health hazards; polluting air, water and land destruction of human habit. Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. Our solid waste management generation & management practices are very poor. Major cities like Mumbai generate solid waste up to 5000 tonnes per day. You know that on 26 july 2005 heavy floods occurred in Mumbai. One of major cause of floods was mismanagement of solid waste. Drainage lines were choked due to solid waste and plastic carrybags. Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Classification of solid waste :- Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. Classification of solid waste :- 1) Depending on the source of waste. 2) Depending on its biodegradibility or racyclability. Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Types of solid waste :- 1) Domestic waste :- Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. Types of solid waste :- 1) Domestic waste :- It is generated from domestic activites like kitchen waste, cooked food, waste food, waste paper, plastic, glass, rubber, metals, etc. 2) Industrial waste :- Chemicals, paints residues, oil, ash, sludge, heavy metals are some types of waste generated from industries. Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. 3) Hazardous waste :- Industries generate hazardous waste including chemical, biological, explosive , pathojenic and radioactive waste. Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. Agriculture waste / Garden waste :- the waste generated from plants and animals include Animal manure, plant leaves, bark, flowers, etc. Electronic waste :- Discarded television sets, music systems, transistor, mobile phones and computers are known as electronic or e-waste. Management of e-waste is a major concern today, both for the manufacturer and user. Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. Biomedical waste :- Waste genrated from hospitals and clinics is classified as biomedical waste. The waste include bandeges, handgloves, syrings, amputated limbs, waste cotton, saline bottles and medicines etc. Muncipal solid waste or urban waste :- It is the waste generated from domestic industrial and commercical activites. Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Plastic :- Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. Plastic :- It is an organic polymer material. It is used in all sections of socitey. Biodegradeble/ decomposable :- This is waste which can be decomposed easily by microorganism. Decomposable solid waste are mostly organic in nature. Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Non- Decomposable waste :- Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. Non- Decomposable waste :- This type of waste is recuires more time and different techniques for decomposition. Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. Solid waste are generally separated as wet and dry solid waste. Wet solid waste :- It includes vegetables, fruits, egg, fish, meat and waste food, paper, cardboard, dust, leaves of plants, agriculture waste, cow dung etc. are wet solid waste. 2) Dry solid waste :- It includes plastic bags, plastic packing material, rubber, metals, glass, resins & synthetic materials, etc. Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Effects of improper management of solid waste :- Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. Effects of improper management of solid waste :- 1) Loss of beauty (Aesthetic effect) :- Litter & discarded solid waste spoils the beauty of the area. The scene looks dirty and most people tend to add to the already spread waste. 2) Highly odorous/Bad smell:- Stored or collected solid waste product an obnoxious odour. Solid waste releases this smell during the decompositions process. Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Std:- 9 Sub:-Science 3) Toxic gases:- Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. 3) Toxic gases:- Muncipal solid waste disposal sites or land fill sites produce toxic gases like Hydrogen sulphide (H2S), Methane (CH4), (CO2). 4) Spread of diseases:- The common diseases observed around solid waste disposal areas are Typhoid, bacillary dysentry, amoebic dysentry, diarrhoea, cholera, etc. This spread by mosquitoes, flies & rodents. Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Std:- 9 Sub:-Science 5) Environmental pollution:- Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. 5) Environmental pollution:- During the process of decomposition & burning of solid waste toxic gases are produced which are harmful to our health. 6) Water pollution :- Solid waste dumping sites or improper land fill sites often face problems of leachate or per- colation of waste water. Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. Soil:- Microorganisms play a very important role in soil decomposition. Due to dumping of toxic substances like plastic bags or any synthetic material; microorganisms die and further process of decomposition is hampered. Sometimes soil becomes acidic or alkaline due to solid waste. Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. 6) Effect on bird diversity :- Many bird species migrate from a particular area to other areas due to bad smell of waste. Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement Soil Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. 7) E-waste :- Electronic waste may be hazardous in nature as it contains toxic metals such as lead beryllium, mercury and cadmium. These are heavy metals and non biodegradable in nature. They accumulate in soil for long periods of time. E-waste effects human health and soil microorganisms directly as well as indirectly. Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Std:- 9 Sub:-Science 8) Bio-Medical waste:- Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. 8) Bio-Medical waste:- The exposure to highly infections waste like pathogens, human body parts, solid waste cotton, laboratory waste and medicines cause serious disease. Mostly they are viral infections, allergic and skin diseases. Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Std:- 9 Sub:-Science 9) Plastic waste:- Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. 9) Plastic waste:- Plastic is mostly found in solid waste. Disposals of plastic is one of the major concerns of solid waste management today. Its decomposition process is very slow. Burning of plastic produces toxic gases. Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Std:- 9 Sub:-Science 10) Industrial waste:- Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. 10) Industrial waste:- This waste is toxic and hazardous in nature. Dumping and burning of this waste causes both air and water pollution. Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Common methods of solid waste managing:- Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. Common methods of solid waste managing:- 1) Land fill:- Collected solid waste is dumped in an outside area. It is traditional technique for municipal solid waste disposal and is a very common practice found in many cities of India. In this traditional methods of solid waste disposal are carried out by open dumping and land filling method. Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Std:- 9 Sub:-Science 2) Disposal in sea :- Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. 2) Disposal in sea :- In case of costal cities like Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai, solid waste is disposed in the sea after separating hazardous material through deep well injection system. Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Stages of proper solid waste management :- Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. Stages of proper solid waste management :- Waste separation and segregation : Separation of wet and dry solid waste is very important and plays a important role in the process of management. Waste separation :- Problems of solid waste management is due to improper separation of solid waste. Careful separation can minimize further problems. Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Std:- 9 Sub:-Science 2) Improper handling and transportation :- Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. 2) Improper handling and transportation :- Transportation is an important part of waste management. Very few skilled operators are available for managing waste. Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. Scientific methods or ecofriendly methods of solid waste management:- Solid waste management is to minimized the adverse environmental effects and social health problems associated with disposals of solid waste. Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Waste separation/segregation:- Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. Waste separation/segregation:- This is the primary stage in management. So it is very important to separate waste into dry and wet waste. Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. 2) Composting:- You can decompose waste in your backyard, garden, terrace or in a small pit also. You can use left over food, kitchen waste, peels of vegetables waste and fruits and garden waste. Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. 3) Vermicomposting:- This is a very easy method for fast decomposition of solid waste. We commonly use earthworm species like generated E-foetida, E-euglish earthworm. The quality of manure which has been generated is highly nuritious in nature and useful for our garden plants. Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. 4) Secured landfill :- This is scientific method of solid waste management. Site should be away from human settlements and highways. In secured land filling process, clay and plastic liners are placed in land fills before waste is dumped. It prevents leaching of waste. Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Std:- 9 Sub:-Science 5) Pyrolysis :- Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. 5) Pyrolysis :- this is another scientific method of solid waste management where the waste is heated to a high temperature. Through this process we can generate gas or electricity. This method is suitable for municipal solid waste management. Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. Energy recovery (Domestic waste, Industrial waste) :- 1) Material recovery :- it is possible from industrial waste. Organic waste can be used for energy production with various process such as biogas production. This biogas can be converted into fuel and electricity. Many municipal authoritirs as well as societies are practicing such technology. Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Std:- 9 Sub:-Science 2) Industrial solid waste management :- Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. 2) Industrial solid waste management :- Now a days industialists are sending their waste to authorized dealers for scintific handling and disposal. Dumping is done in a solid way. Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Std:- 9 Sub:-Science 3) Bio medical waste management :- Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. 3) Bio medical waste management :- collection and transportation is done in a scientific way. Proper segregation, labelling and appropriate treatment of waste would go a long way in reducing problems caused by medical waste. Incinerators reduce pathological problems of hospital waste. Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Std:- 9 Sub:-Science 4) Incinerator :- Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. 4) Incinerator :- Domestic, Industrial, Biochemical waste, e. waste is burnt in an incinerator at high temperature. Disinfection and sterilization are some of the precautions used to treat and dispose off biological waste. Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Std:- 9 Sub:-Science 3 Rs are important in waste management. Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. 3 Rs are important in waste management. 1. Reduce, 2) Reuse, 3) Recycle. 1. Reduce solid waste at source means using less paper and less use of plastic carry bags.. 2. Reuse means making manure out of decomposable waste, making note-books out of unused papers. 3. Recycle means separating plastic, metals, rubber, glass and sending it to recycling for manufacture of other products. Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Concept Map- Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. Solid waste Concept Map- Source domestic Industrial Bio-Medical Commercial Agricultural Which are further classified as Non-biodegradable Biodegradable Solid waste management Wet solid waste Dry solid waste P.T.O Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. Solid waste management Composting , Vermicomposting Secured land filling Prolisis Biogas/energy recovery Incineratoor Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement
Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement Rayat Shikshan Sanstha ,Maharaja Sayajirao Vidyalaya,Satara. Std:- 9 Sub:-Science Unit-Solid Waste: Ecofriendly Manegement