TPEP Teacher & Principal Evaluation System Prepared from resources from WEA & AWSP & ESD 112
Learning Targets for Today I understand the logistics of the new Teacher and Principal Evaluation System 2012 – 13 all principals and 20% of teachers on the new system implementation The requirement of an instructional framework I understand how I can help select the instructional framework for Camas
TPEP Why are we in the middle of changing Teacher and Principal evaluation?
SB New Evaluation System
New Evaluation ItemsWho is Impacted Launch Date Report to OSPI - Evaluation Criteria, rubrics, description of each rating, and number of staff in each rating scale All Staff Communicate to Public: Policies concerning hiring, assigning, terminating & evaluating staff All Staff New Evaluation CriteriaCertificated classroom teachers & Principals Four Level Rating SystemCertificated classroom teachers & Principals Student Growth Data: Must be based on multiple measures Certificated classroom teachers & Principals Professional Growth Option: Linked to the new eight certificated classroom teacher criteria Certificated classroom teachers
A pilot project that is assessed and funded prior to statewide mandate; Systems that maintain full bargaining rights at the local level; Clear evaluation standards with rubrics; Due process tied to evaluations must: have clear, specific timelines Improvement plans funding and time provided for support systems an appeals process Principals highly trained in evaluating educators Adequate time and funding for a full observation process Adequate planning time for an educator to accomplish traditional planning as well as observe and collaborate with other colleagues; Maintain the current optional PGO and long form evaluation system; Support informal peer observation and feedback, separate from the evaluation. WEA Supports Ed Reform Policy Development Board of Directors Meeting, October 31, 2010
We have been given an opportunity in Washington to participate in the development of the system that meets the new law.
Current Teacher Evaluation Criteria New Teacher Evaluation Criteria 1.Instructional Skill 2.Classroom Management 3.Professional Preparation and Scholarship 4.Effort Toward Improvement When Needed 5.Handling of Student Discipline and Attendance 6.Interest in Teaching Pupils 7.Knowledge of Subject Matter 1.Centering instruction on high expectations for student achievement 2.Demonstrating effective teaching practices 3.Recognizing individual student learning needs and developing strategies to address those needs 4.Providing clear and intentional focus on subject matter content and curriculum 5.Fostering and managing a safe, positive learning environment 6.Using multiple student data elements to modify instruction and improve student learning 7.Communicating with parents and school community 8.Exhibiting collaborative and collegial practices focused on improving instructional practice and student learning
New Criteria Evaluations will be based on 8 new criteria. The criteria form the new evaluation system and describe performance along a continuum
Centering instruction on high expectations Demonstrating effective teaching practices Individualizing instruction Subject matter knowledge Fostering a safe, positive learning environment Use student data to modify instruction Communicating with parents and school community Exhibiting collaborative and collegial practices TEACHER EVALUATION CRITERIA
Creating a Culture Ensuring School Safety Planning with Data Aligning Curriculum Improving Instruction Managing Resources Engaging Communities Closing the Gap PRINCIPAL EVALUATION CRITERIA
How do Principal & Teacher Criteria Compare?
Teachers: “fostering and managing a safe, positive learning environment.” “collaborative and collegial practices focused on improving instructional practice and student learning.” Principals: “creating a school culture that promotes the ongoing improvement of learning and teaching for students and staff.” “providing for school safety.”
Teachers: “using multiple student data elements to modify instruction and improve student learning.” Principals: “development, implementation, and evaluation of a data-driven plan for increasing student achievement, including the use of multiple student data elements.”
Teachers: “providing clear and intentional focus on subject matter content and curriculum.” Principals: “assisting instructional staff with alignment of curriculum, instruction, and assessment with state and local district learning goals.”
Teachers: Implementing the instructional framework Principals: “monitoring, assisting, and evaluating effective instruction and assessment practices.”
Teachers: “communicating and collaborating with parents and school community.” Principals: “partnering with the school community to promote learning.”
Pilot districts develop “models” to use in implementing the new evaluation standards. These models will likely include indicators, rubrics and protocols The pilot districts will use the new models. End of Superintendent Dorn is charged with analyzing the work of the pilots and making a recommendation to the legislature. ESDs support local districts to begin a phase in (We’re in this) All districts will do the preparation work needed to use the new models All districts will use the new models as the basis for evaluating their teachers and principals.
Current System
New System
What’s an Instructional Framework? An instructional framework defines, describes, and explains instructional practices.
CEL 5-DMarzano Observable Behavior Expected Results Achievement Data Perception Data Centering instruction on high expectations Demonstrating effective teaching practices Individualizing instruction Subject matter knowledge Fostering a safe, positive learning environment. Use student data to modify instruction Communicating with parents and school community. Exhibiting collaborative and collegial practices Teacher Evaluation Criteria Instructional Frameworks
Communication about the Frameworks Website Meetings for teachers Facilitator group built with teacher representatives from each school Work group comprised of teacher, administrator and central office representation
What can I do? Research the two frameworks Utilize district TPEP website Share with CEA leadership your preferred framework Get involved in the next steps
Decision about the Framework Teachers will be given the opportunity to explore the Frameworks CEA will make a recommendation to the Superintendent and School Board in by February 2012
Rubrics & the Instructional Framework Help describe the levels on the continuum (unsatisfactory, basic, proficient and distinguished) for each of the criteria The rubrics assess the link between instructional practice and the state’s criteria, as reflected in the instructional framework. After choosing the instructional framework for Camas, we will explore what that framework should look like in action
Exploring the Frameworks Guiding Questions documents WEA Comparison to the 8 Criteria Marzano Overview 5 Dimensions of Learning (UW CEL) All of these are available on Camas TPEP Site