Welcome! Big Shanty’s Open House Mrs. Hellman Miss Burke 5 th grade class
How are we like velvet bricks?
Words of the YEAR! Rigor Relevance Literacy Written and Oral Communication Perseverance Quality work
Classroom Need-To-Knows Red folders go home on Thursday afternoon and should be looked through & cleaned out Students record homework/important things DAILY in agenda that need to be done at home Agenda is filled out and seen daily-Eagle Update cards must be signed EVERY THURSDAY! Classroom schedule and county calendar (please consult it when making appointments)
Grade Updates Sent home at midpoint of each grading period, so you can be up to date on your child’s academic progress Most graded items are sent home in Thursday folder every week! Your child’s grades will be posted on Synergy for you to view. Your specific login from last year will be the same this year. Mrs. Yates is available 8/27 from 7am – 8am and 8/29 from 4 pm – 6pm for login help!
Communication Eagle Updates – Daily Blog link on Big Shanty
Curriculum Shared Instructional Responsibilities: S.I.R. – Mrs. Hellman: reading, ELA, social studies, narrative and persuasive writing – Ms. Burke: math, science, informational and technical writing
Questions and Comments
What will we learn? 5 topics organized i-Think interactive student journal in student language “Official” standards found 33A DD2-0F70C1E90BAD My Math- Online textbook and resources Student Username: ccsd(student ID) This is their lunch and media center number Student Password: cobbmath1
How will we learn? I LOVE MATH Direct instruction Small groups Journal Responses (Texts, tweets) Learning stations Performance Tasks Manipulatives Songs Projects Choice boards Technology (Learnzillion, Brainpop, Study Island) My Math Resources
What will we learn in 5 th grade science class? Scientific Method/Science Constructive/Destructive Forces States of matter Physical/Chemical Changes Genetic/Inherited Traits Electricity/Electromagnetism Standards are found: A DD2-0F70C1E90BAD
How will we learn science? Lots of hands-on lab experiences Reflections/responses in Science Journals Performance tasks Projects Using/practicing the Scientific Method
How will my child be graded? Variety of assessments Performance tasks Accuracy, completion Participation Classwork Journaling Tests, quizzes Projects
Questions and Comments