Humanities Elise Dean Melissa Downey Paula Drews Kim Mueller Allie Penchar Sandy Pykosz Lily Smith (Julie Colliher)
Social Studies Beginning American History 1890 – 1945 Industrial Revolution World War I Depression World War II Holocaust
Reading Align curriculum Social Studies Essential Outcomes from District Balanced Literacy Shared and Guided Reading Independent Reading 20 minutes of SSR not enough Critical at middle level
Writing Innovations Narrative Anne Frank Journal Persuasive Expository Current Events Poetry Writing is never done!
Words Words Words “R” SOAPSUDS Two roots, one prefix and one suffix each week Vocabulary and comprehension enrichment Word Analysis Root Olympics Monthly assessment Goal: All roots completed by ISAT Content Area Vocabulary
Multiple Intelligence Choices 2 every week Showcase knowledge of content Reading Writing Social Studies Word Analysis All 8 Multiple Intelligences displayed each month Students select from menu discussed in class
Homework Expectations during an average week… “R” SOAPSUDS Study roots every night Current Events, Reader’s, or Poetry Response Right side ISN entry Study for Innovation Checkpoint 30 minutes of reading every night IRQs MI Choices
Lit Studio Extension of Humanities Pat Bongiorno Melissa Downey Elise Dean Kim Mueller Guided Literacy Intervention Groups Enrichment Groups SSR and IRQs