W ELCOME TO B ACK T O S CHOOL N IGHT Mrs. Gonzales and Mrs. Smith “The Dynamic Duo”
D AILY S CHEDULE Opening/ Skill Review Read Aloud/Journals Math Recess Math RTI= Phonics, Vocabulary, comprehension Lunch Grammar/Vocabulary Skills Writer’s Workshop Social Studies/Science/PE
C LASSROOM MANAGEMENT Gentle Reminders Panther Bucks Behavior Notices Panther Pawsitives
C URRICULUM ELA Phonics Vocabulary Comprehension Literary Analysis Spelling Grammar Writing= Narrative/ Friendly Letter Math Math Facts Problem Solving Geometry Fractions/Data Analysis Time/Money Multiplication/Division Critical Thinking
C URRICULUM Social Studies Then and Now Economics Government Map Skills Geography People Who Make A Difference Science Pebbles, Sand and Silt Balance and Motion Life Cycles
H OMEWORK Nightly Assignments are due the next day Monday: Math and Spelling Tuesday: Math and Grammar Wednesday: Math and Scholastic News Thursday: Math and Comprehension READ 20 MINS. EACH NIGHT AND WRITE BOOK TITLE IN HOMEWORK BOOK Expectations: Parents are to check over homework each night and then sign the homework book
Communicate concerns using Panther Planner, or phone Check homework nightly Go over conduit work weekly Keep your child home if he/she is ill Provide a healthy breakfast and please make sure your child has plenty of sleep P ARENT E XPECTATIONS
THANKS FOR COMING Mrs. Gonzales Or Mrs. Smith Or