1 Joint EAIE/NAFSA Symposium Amsterdam, March 2007 John E Reilly, Director UK Socrates-Erasmus Council
2 The European Higher Education Area A student-centred approach? –Three cycles –European Qualifications Frameworks –European Quality Assurance –Tuning – a collaborative project to test and develop Bologna reforms in a student-centred environment –Joint Masters – another collaborative project to enhance the attractiveness of the EHEA Compliance or reformation?
3 The Three Cycles System 1999 Bologna Declaration – a common structure of Higher Education systems based on two main cycles – undergraduate and graduate. The undergraduate cycle to be three/four years 2003 Berlin - included the doctoral cycle as the third cycle in the Bologna process to build links between the European Higher Education and research areas
4 Issues Genuine curriculum reform or a change of names? Credits – ECTS the standard? Duration of first and second cycle and number of credits Third cycle - new approaches, credits or not? Progression between cycles?
5 European Qualifications Frameworks A framework for Qualifications of the European Higher Education area An overarching framework three main cycles with provision for a short cycle within or linked to first cycle Cycle descriptors in form of generic qualifications descriptors as reference points – the Dublin descriptors
6 A framework for Qualification of the European Higher Education Area Range of ECTS typically associated with each cycle Short cycle ECTS credits First cycle ECTS credits Second cycle ECTS credits minimum 60 ECTS credits at second cycle level Third cycle - no suggestion re credits
7 European Qualifications Framework A reference tool to compare the qualification levels of different systems within a Lifelong Learning perspective 8 levels defined by descriptors indicating the learning outcomes relevant to qualifications at that level on the basis of knowledge, skills, competences Levels 5,6,7 and 8 correspond to the EHEA Higher Education levels
8 Qualification Frameworks Common Features Overarching “general” frameworks Use of qualification level descriptors Emphasis on integral nature of European and national Quality Assurance systems with qualification frameworks Stress the need for detailed and compatible national qualification frameworks Emphasis on learning outcomes and credits - shifting from a teacher centre to a student-centred approach Recognition of the Lifelong Learning perspective
9 Qualification Frameworks Issues National qualification frameworks and their compatibility Credits for qualifications – accumulation regulations – consistency and transparency Levels and level descriptors within qualifications – linked to curriculum planning and development
10 Quality Assurance in Europe Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area European Standards for Internal Quality Assurance European Standards for External Quality Assurance and for External Quality Assurance Agencies European Register of Quality Assurance Agencies Role of EUA, ENQA, TEEP -Trans European Evaluation Projects
11 Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the EHEA Internal Quality Assurance Institutional Quality Assurance culture embodied in Policy and Procedures documentation Approval, monitoring and periodic review of programmes and awards Participation of students in quality assurance Assessment of students Quality Assurance of teaching staff Learning resources and student support Information systems Public information
12 Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council on European cooperation in Quality Assurance in Higher Education 1998 and 2006 A set of principles for European Quality Assurance (1998) Support of the Bologna Process (2006) Propose that Higher Education Institutions could choose among Quality Assurance Agencies in the European Register Allow Higher Education Institutions to work towards a complementary assessment by another agency in the European Register to enhance international reputation Ensure public access to the assessments made by the Quality Assurance or Accreditation Agencies
13 Issues European Register of Quality Assurance Agencies National Quality Assurance compliance Institutional implementation of Quality Assurance Role of students Relationships with Qualifications Frameworks, credits and accumulation Information transparency
14 Bologna in Practice Tuning Educational Structures in Europe 135 institutions 27 countries 9 subject areas –Business Administration –Chemistry –Education Sciences –European Studies –History –Geology (Earth Sciences) –Mathematics –Nursing –Physics
15 Project aims To make study programmes comparable and compatible To facilitate transparency and academic recognition To promote output oriented programmes based on learning outcomes expressed in terms of generic and subject specific competences To develop the use and understanding of ECTS Not harmonising but establishing reference points and encouraging common understanding To develop understanding and shared approaches to Learning, Teaching, Assessment and the role of Quality Enhancement Tuning ideas and methods being extended to other countries and regions: Latin America, Russia, possibly India
16 Bologna in Practice Joint Masters Programmes – Erasmus Mundus model Minimum consortium of three institutions in three countries Minimum mobility between two Award of joint degree or double or multiple degrees
17 Joint Masters Issues Selection of students Resourcing programmes – tuition fees? Management Quality Assurance, Enhancement and Management Legal requirements for joint or double or multiple degrees
18 Bologna Process Compliance or reformation?