After the Bologna Bucharest Conference: What is new on the way to Bologna New Developments in European QA CEENQA-Workshop in Sarajevo 11 and 12 May 2012 Birger Hendriks
Outline Three main papers in Bucharest: Implementation Report with stocktaking, Bucharest Communiqué and Mobility Strategy Short stocktaking: Developments in the EHEA Bucharest Communiqué: main goals and priorities for 2012 to 2015 Conclusions: What is new after Bucharest on the way to Bologna? Birger Hendriks
General context of the EHEA Demographic development and increasing student population by more than 10% between 2003/4 and 2008/9 Different public expenditure on HE in the EHEA and impacts of the financial crisis Inequalities of attainment of HE qualifications Birger Hendriks
Increase of students in the EHEA between 2003/4 and 2008/9 by 10 % Birger Hendriks
Public expenditure on HE per FTE student relative to GDP per inhabitants in € PPS (2008) PPS= Purchasing Power Standard Birger Hendriks
Financial Crisis (Source Eurostat) Birger Hendriks
Inequalities of attainment (by migrant status as an example) Birger Hendriks
Outline Three main papers in Bucharest: Implementation Report with stocktaking, Bucharest Communiqué and Mobility Strategy Short stocktaking: Developments in the EHEA Bucharest Communiqué: main goals and priorities for 2012 to 2015 Conclusions: What is new after Bucharest on the way to Bologna? Birger Hendriks
Developments in the EHEA Implementation Report on the EHEA in 2012 for Bucharest describes the stage on – Statistical Developments – Degrees and Qualifications – Quality Assurance (QA) – Social Dimension in Higher Education (HE) – Effective Outcomes and Employability Birger Hendriks
Stage of implementation of first and second cycle Birger Hendriks
Qualifications Framework in the EHEA Birger Hendriks
Use of credits for study programs Birger Hendriks
ECTS credits linked to learning outcomes Birger Hendriks
Recognition evaluated in external QA process Birger Hendriks
Stage of external QA systems 2010/11 Birger Hendriks
Outward degree mobility rates within the EHEA in 2008/2009 Birger Hendriks
Outline Three main papers in Bucharest: Implementation Report with stocktaking, Bucharest Communiqué and Mobility Strategy Short stocktaking: Developments in the EHEA Bucharest Communiqué: main goals and priorities for 2012 to 2015 Conclusions: What is new after Bucharest on the way to Bologna? Birger Hendriks
Main goals for the EHEA (Bucharest Communiqué) More coherence in the EHEA, especially in completing the full Bologna “system” – the three cycle structure – the use of ECTS credits – the enhancement of quality assurance – the implementation of qualifications frameworks – including the definition and evaluation of learning outcomes – the issuing of Diploma Supplements Pursue the following goals: – provide quality higher education for all, – enhance graduates’ employability and – strengthen mobility as a means for better learning Birger Hendriks
Provide quality HE for all (part I) Widening overall access, raise completion rates and increase participation of underrepresented groups Foster student-centred learning involving students as active participants and establishing conditions for innovative teaching Quality assurance – Covering all relevant aspects – Develop a proposal for a revised version of ESG aiming at more clarity, applicability and usefulness – EQAR-registered agencies should be allowed to perform across EHEA, while complying with national requirements Enhance employability, LLL, skills through improving cooperation with employers Birger Hendriks
Provide quality HE for all (part II) Meaningful implementation of learning outcomes is crucial QF (to be finalised by 2012) should become everyday reality for students, staff and employers – School leaving degrees being considered of EQF level 4 and explore short cycle degrees as of EQF level 5 Ensure implementation of DS and ECTS ECTS, QF and LO also important for the revision of EU Directive on the recognition of professional qualifications Birger Hendriks
Strengthening mobility Adoption of the strategy „Mobility for a Better Learning” for national implementation (e.g. Use quality assurance and transparency tools for promoting quality mobility) Aiming at automatic recognition of comparable academic degrees – as a long-term goal of the EHEA (pathfinder groups) – Fair academic and professional recognition, also of non-formal and informal learning: reviewing national legislation to comply with Lisbon Convention – Examine national legislation relating joint programs and degrees Promote the EAR Manual and recommend its use Encourage HEIs and QA agencies to assess institutional recognition procedures and to develop joint programs and degree Birger Hendriks
Outline Three main papers in Bucharest: Implementation Report with stocktaking, Bucharest Communiqué and Mobility Strategy Short stocktaking: Developments in the EHEA Bucharest Communiqué: main goals and priorities for 2012 to 2015 Conclusions: What is new after Bucharest on the way to Bologna? Birger Hendriks
Conclusions: What is new on the way to Bologna? No new Bologna goals from Bucharest Improve implementation of existing goals and tools at all levels in terms of quality and speed Implement the Mobility Strategy at national level Develop automatic recognition and promote the EAR Manual Revise ESG and allow EQAR-registered agencies to perform across EHEA Improve collection of compatible data in the EHEA Birger Hendriks
Thank you for your attention Birger Hendriks