U.S. DOL-ETA REGION V DISABILITIES TRAINING FORUM WIA Reauthorization: Important Elements for Serving Customers with Disabilities Adele M. Gagliardi, Manpower Analyst Office of Policy Development, Evaluation and Research Employment And Training Administration U.S. DOL-ETA REGION V DISABILITIES TRAINING FORUM WIA Reauthorization: Important Elements for Serving Customers with Disabilities Adele M. Gagliardi, Manpower Analyst Office of Policy Development, Evaluation and Research Employment And Training Administration eta EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ADMINISTRATION UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR
eta WIA Reauthorization Reauthorization of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA).Reauthorization of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA). WIA is the statutory foundation of the One-Stop Career Center SystemWIA is the statutory foundation of the One-Stop Career Center System Since WIA implementation, we have made great strides in transforming the workforce investment system into one that is accessible, comprehensive, responsive and successful.Since WIA implementation, we have made great strides in transforming the workforce investment system into one that is accessible, comprehensive, responsive and successful.
eta Challenges The U.S. workforce is experiencing significant change.The U.S. workforce is experiencing significant change. Overall high school graduation rates are too low.Overall high school graduation rates are too low. Graduation and employment rates for individuals with disabilities are too low.Graduation and employment rates for individuals with disabilities are too low. Resources are limited.Resources are limited. Increasing pressure for:Increasing pressure for: –Accountability and positive performance outcomes; –Keeping pace with technology; and –Reaching customers who may traditionally experience difficulty accessing services. The One-Stop Career Center system looks different across the country.The One-Stop Career Center system looks different across the country.
eta Responding to Challenge Reauthorization of WIA offers a great opportunity to further strengthen the system for all customers, including those with disabilities.
eta WIA Reauthorization Today’s Focus Opportunities the Administration sees for reauthorization of WIA Title I programsOpportunities the Administration sees for reauthorization of WIA Title I programs Status of the reauthorization processStatus of the reauthorization process Six key improvements the Administration sees, and how these improvements are addressed in the House and Senate billsSix key improvements the Administration sees, and how these improvements are addressed in the House and Senate bills Additional changesAdditional changes Highlight changes related to serving individuals with disabilities.Highlight changes related to serving individuals with disabilities.
eta Opportunities Opportunities Strengthen coordinating infrastructureStrengthen coordinating infrastructure Capitalize on innovations from states and local communitiesCapitalize on innovations from states and local communities Create a more responsive, demand- driven systemCreate a more responsive, demand- driven system
eta Legislative Status The House Bill, HR 1261, passed the House on May 8, 2003The House Bill, HR 1261, passed the House on May 8, 2003 The Senate Bill, (language of S 1627), passed the Senate on November 14, 2003The Senate Bill, (language of S 1627), passed the Senate on November 14, 2003 Next step – Conference CommitteeNext step – Conference Committee
eta Six Key Improvements to WIA 1)Comprehensive Services for Adults 2)Focusing resources on out-of-school youth 3)Removing statutory limitations to providing waivers 4)Streamlining membership of state and local workforce investment boards, and focusing the boards’ functions 5)Improving Infrastructure 6)Simplifying and rationalizing the current accountability system
eta 1. Improve Comprehensive Services for Adults Create a consolidated funding stream: WIA Adult and Dislocated Worker and Wagner-Peyser fundsCreate a consolidated funding stream: WIA Adult and Dislocated Worker and Wagner-Peyser funds House bill combines funding stream Senate bill retains separate funding streams Senate bill also requires Employment Services offices to co-locate with One- Stop Career Centers
eta 1. Improve Comprehensive Services for Adults Increase flexibility in delivery of intensive and training servicesIncrease flexibility in delivery of intensive and training services –Both bills contain specific provisions allowing greater flexibility to move into intensive and training services –Both bills also address what sort of employment is the appropriate goal in assessing whether an individual can obtain employment through particular services
eta 1. Improve Comprehensive Services for Adults Improve Eligible Training Provider systemImprove Eligible Training Provider system House and Senate bills are similar to the Administration’s proposal and allow governors to establish criteria and procedures for training providers to receive WIA funds House and Senate bills allow Governors to authorize local areas to establish additional criteria or modify the criteria established by the Governor House bill requires the governor to solicit and take into consideration the recommendations of the local boards and training service providers
eta 1. Improve Comprehensive Services for Adults Expand Individual Training AccountsExpand Individual Training Accounts –The House bill proposes ITAs can be combined with funds from outside the adult program, and calls them “Enhanced ITAs” –The Senate bill proposes “Career Scholarship Accounts”
eta 2. Creating a Targeted Approach To Serving Youth Focus resources on out-of-school youth through Targeted State Formula ProgramFocus resources on out-of-school youth through Targeted State Formula Program Creating Youth Challenge GrantsCreating Youth Challenge Grants No longer requiring Youth CouncilsNo longer requiring Youth Councils
eta 3. Promoting State Flexibility Removing statutory limitations to providing waiversRemoving statutory limitations to providing waivers
eta 4. Creating a More Effective Governance Structure Streamlining membership of State and Local Boards and more tightly focusing their functionsStreamlining membership of State and Local Boards and more tightly focusing their functions –State Board membership –Local Board membership –Planning cycle
eta 4. Creating a More Effective Governance Structure State Board MembershipState Board Membership 1)State Agencies responsible for administering the One-Stop partner programs, and the Director of VR if it is not a state agency. 2)Business Representatives 3)Labor Representatives 4)State legislators 5)Chief local elected officials 6)Governor Business majority maintained in both bills Vocational Rehabilitation’s Role Function of the State BoardFunction of the State Board
eta 4. Creating a More Effective Governance Structure Local Workforce Investment Board CompositionLocal Workforce Investment Board Composition 1)Both bills – Boards are no longer required to have mandatory partner members at the local level. 2)Senate bill - As a function of the local board, it specifies that it should ensure a sufficient number of providers of services that maximized customer choice, including providers with expertise in serving individuals with disabilities.
eta 4. Creating a More Effective Governance Structure Planning CyclePlanning Cycle –Both bills shorten the planning cycle for state and local plans House bill – Reduces period to 2 years Senate bill – Reduces period to 4 years with a review after 2 years –Both bills require the state to describe how they will serve individuals with disabilities consistent with Section 188 and Executive Order –Senate bill contains additional provisions for the state plan –Local plan
eta 5. Strengthen One-Stop Career Center System Infrastructure Finance the operational cost of One-Stops through “one-stop infrastructure funding”Finance the operational cost of One-Stops through “one-stop infrastructure funding” –The House bill states each mandatory and participating partner must provide funds to the Governor to be allocated to local areas for One- Stop Centers –The Senate bill states the local areas can: 1)Develop memorandums of understanding (MOU), or 2)Participate in a process similar to the one described in the House bill. –Administration’s proposal was similar to the House bill, but contained additional limitations for the Governor
eta 5. Strengthen One-Stop Career Center System Infrastructure Increase State role in establishing minimum qualificationsIncrease State role in establishing minimum qualifications –House bill establishes procedures and criteria for periodically certifying One- Stop Career Centers –Senate Bill SWIBs establish procedures and criteria to assess effectiveness and continuous improvement, and are advised to consider accessibility –Section 188 Checklist
eta 5. Simplifying and Rationalizing Performance Accountability New performance indicators called “Common Measures” are included in the House and Senate billsNew performance indicators called “Common Measures” are included in the House and Senate bills Developed by OMB, in coordination with federal agencies.Developed by OMB, in coordination with federal agencies. Intended to institute uniform definitions for performance across 31 programs, administered by six federal agencies.Intended to institute uniform definitions for performance across 31 programs, administered by six federal agencies. The Senate bill retains customer satisfaction and adult credential measureThe Senate bill retains customer satisfaction and adult credential measure
eta Common Measures ADULT Measures Entered EmploymentEntered Employment Employment RetentionEmployment Retention Earnings Increase after EmploymentEarnings Increase after Employment Efficiency MeasureEfficiency Measure S 1627 retains adult credential and customer satisfaction measuresS 1627 retains adult credential and customer satisfaction measures YOUTH Measures Placement in Employment or EducationPlacement in Employment or Education Attainment of degree or certificateAttainment of degree or certificate Literacy and Numeracy GainsLiteracy and Numeracy Gains Efficiency measure (Cost per participant in S 1627)Efficiency measure (Cost per participant in S 1627) S 1627 retains customer satisfaction measureS 1627 retains customer satisfaction measure
eta Common Measures House Bill – Core indicators of performance covered by the state plan must be adjusted based on, among other things, poor work history, lack of work experience, and disability status.House Bill – Core indicators of performance covered by the state plan must be adjusted based on, among other things, poor work history, lack of work experience, and disability status. Senate Bill – Requires the Secretary to establish long-term national goals for levels of performance. State plan performance levels at the local levels must ensure that the levels involved are adjusted using objective statistical methods based on, among other things, disability status.Senate Bill – Requires the Secretary to establish long-term national goals for levels of performance. State plan performance levels at the local levels must ensure that the levels involved are adjusted using objective statistical methods based on, among other things, disability status.
eta Common Measures What’s Next Without new legislation, ETA plans to implement the common measures administratively.Without new legislation, ETA plans to implement the common measures administratively. ETA intends to implement a workforce reporting system that provides the basis for reporting a wide array of information on workforce system activities, including the common measures.ETA intends to implement a workforce reporting system that provides the basis for reporting a wide array of information on workforce system activities, including the common measures. ETA is looking into strategies to adjust performance based upon economic and other factors.ETA is looking into strategies to adjust performance based upon economic and other factors. The DOL Strategic Plan for FY anticipates ETA will measure groups with special barriers.The DOL Strategic Plan for FY anticipates ETA will measure groups with special barriers. Implementation of the new system and the common measures is expected in program year 2004.Implementation of the new system and the common measures is expected in program year 2004.
eta Additional Proposals Local Area DesignationLocal Area Designation –House and Senate bills propose to continue to “grandfather” designation of local areas with populations over 500,000, making continued designation contingent on successful performance and sustained fiscal integrity –Senate bill proposes continued designations for workforce investment areas with populations under 500,000 if they meet performance measures and sustain fiscal integrity. –The Administration proposed eliminating the grandfather provision.
eta Additional Proposals Priority of ServicePriority of Service –House bill proposes to give priority for intensive and training services to unemployed individuals and other low income individuals if funds for serving them are insufficient. –Senate bill retains the current law priority for public assistance and low income individuals. –Both bills add to the definition of low income those eligible to receive a free or reduced price lunch.
eta Additional Proposals Funding FormulasFunding Formulas –Both bills propose changes to the formulas for allocating funds to the states and local areas. –To examine more closely, review the language at thomas.loc.gov.
eta Additional Proposals Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) and Food StampsTemporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) and Food Stamps –Both bills add TANF as a required partner in the One-Stop system, unless the Governor opts out. –In addition, both bills allow additional partners, programs that serve individuals with disabilities.
eta Additional Proposals Religious organizationsReligious organizations –The House bill would allow religious organizations that provide services under WIA to take religion into account in hiring staff. –The Senate bill contains no such provision.
eta Additional Proposals Disability Focus Purpose of WIAPurpose of WIA –Currently to unify a fragmented employment and training system into a comprehensive workforce investment system that better serves job seekers. –Senate bill lays out 13 purposes, including Promoting informed choice (also in House bill) Eliminate training disincentives for hard-to- serve populations Increase employment, retention, and earnings of individuals with disabilities.
eta Additional Proposals Disability Focus Incentive Grants to States and Local AreasIncentive Grants to States and Local Areas –Both bills allow the Governor to award local areas for serving hard-to-serve populations –House provides incentive grants for exemplary performance of states, for among other things, performance in serving special populations, including individuals with disabilities.
eta Resources To view legislation: thomas.loc.govTo view legislation: thomas.loc.gov Training and Employment Guidance Letter No Common Measures PolicyTraining and Employment Guidance Letter No Common Measures Policy ETA’s website: website:
eta Adele M. Gagliardi Manpower Analyst Office of Policy Development, Evaluation and Research Employment and Training Administration U.S. Department of Labor (202)