Mediterranean Sea Basin Scale model P.Lazzari, S. Salon, A. Teruzzi, K.Beranger, A. Crise Sesame WP3 meeting Villefranche sur Mer, Februay 2008 OGS, Trieste
1) Perform a hindcast climatological simulation ( ) 2) Perform analyses of scenarios with A1B IPCC scenarios ( ) Forcing fields (circulation) from INGV simulations: Coupling of a biogeochemical-hydrodynamical model of the system describing the cycles of azote, phosphorus, and carbon in the general circulation of the Mediterranean Sea; Analyses of datasets coming from in situ and remote measurements and preparation of initial and boundary conditions; Sensitivity analyses of the impacts in changing forcing on the trophic web; Sinthetic Analyses of the results of numerical simulations and estimation of carbon fluxes in pelagic systems;
Features of the transport model OPATM-BFM Off-line physical-biochemical coupling Transport model works using previously stored forcing data: temperature, salinity, 3D velocity, vertical eddy diffusion coefficients In principle differents programs can be adopted to originate the forcing fields after an interpolation on the transport model grid Fully prognostic, data-free simulation Nutrients nudging in the Atlantic box No external inputs
Biogeochemical Model (M. Vichi )-
Element relevant for model simulations Physical forcings State variables initialization (nutrients) Boundary conditions (Straits) To produce the simulations To analize the result Biogeochemical Data (Chl-a, Carbon, …)
TEST-0 SIMULATION FORCING AND I.C. USED IN THE DYNAMICAL MODEL SIMULATION MED16--ECMWF 1/16° degree resolution; 43 vertical levels Higher in Gibraltar Strait through curvilinear grid Initial conditions for dynamical model: T,S seasonal, climatology MODB-4 Atmospheric Forcing : ECMWF Analyses (0.5 o ) Daily fluxes 1/03/ = 8 years Monthly runoff UNESCO
State variables initialization 3D Field are needed T=0 “single frame” climatology is used Model needs …
Medar Medatlas DATASET vertical profiles Initialization of nutrients fields phosphates, nitrates, silicates, oxygen
Boundary conditions 2D Field are needed T=0 … T=Tfin “Seasonal fileds Used” Model needs …
Vertical profiles applied in the Atlantic Area
Atmospherical, riverine input Nutrients, but also DOM can be relevant for total budget
Diffusive attenuation coefficient from satellite SeaWiFS data With coastal areaWithout coastal area Climatological Seasons Data provided by Gianluca Volpe and Lia Santoleri
Model qualification The qualification of the model is on-going. The procedures described in the MERSEA technical report MERSEA-WP05-MERCA-STR A0 List of internal metrics, specifications for implementation are applied: here are presented Class 1 consistency tests Consistency test: comparison between patterns of chlorophyll content obtained by satellite data and model outputs Satellite data reprocessed by GOS-ISAC-CNR (Gianluca Volpe)
Comparison of OPATM-BFM Model Surface Chla and Satellite
Data from Oubhelkeir et al, 2005
Estimate of the Primary Production
Deliverable First hindcasts from Mediterranean sea basin scale model available from ftp that can be used to force regional Mediterranean sea models at their open boundaries RUN1: First multi-annual simulation ( ) - Climatological year. Ancillary files are also provided: - clim.ctl file to handle the monthly files (GrADS) -BFM_var_list.m file containing all biogeochemical variables label (Matlab); - read_mesh.m file to load meshmask data (Matlab); - read_avedat.m file to load biogeochemical data(Matlab). For further details and to download the data please contact: