Harris and Me Tyler Bentz
Characters Harris is one of the main characters in the book. Harris’ cousin, which is Gary Paulsen is narrating. Then, there is Knute, Loui, Glennis, Clair, and a ravenous lynx for a pet. It was hard for me to fathom why anybody would want a lynx for a pet.
If I could change the characters… I would make it so Glennis is not incessantly slapping Harris. At the point when Harris is supposed to take the bet and pee on the electric fence, I wish he would not have been so gingerly about it. He should have just been a man. Gary and Harris were arguing over an aesthetic girl that Gary liked. I would have changed this scenario by not having the two boys fighting over a girl.
My opinion I subjectively liked the book. It is very funny in its own way. It is a book that I would read again, but not for awhile. I like the way it takes place on the Larson farm and not somewhere else. (p.2) I also like using an old John Deere tractor to cut and move hay, as Loui does in the story. It reminds me of how my Great Grandpa farmed all the time, and how I will always farm the old way with old equipment and old tractors.
If I could change it… If I could change the book in any way, I would have liked for the boy to stay at the Larson Farm for the rest of his life, then he would not have to live with his parents that drink and fight all the time. I would not change how Harris looks for his quarry, but it seems like the chicken always finds him. (page.22,23,24) I probably would change the part in the book when they are cutting hay. I would say something about baling the hay, and raking it up to put in the barn. (page. 49,50,51,52,53)
The End