13 original colonies Connecticut By Gavin Founded in 1763
Indian Tribes In The Area Indian tribes included the Pequot, Podunk, and Mohegan people and all tribes lived in wigwams. For food these tribes hunted fished and farmed men hunted moose, turkeys, and other local animals in the summer people fished in rivers and the ocean everyone helped plant beans, squash, and corn (three sisters) and women foraged for berries and nuts in the forest. All tribes where peaceful except the Pequot who wanted more land and attacked nearby tribes. tribes united with early settlers and brought down the Pequot.
Early Settlers Connecticut's first settlers came from Massachusetts in the 1630s some moved to Connecticut to have more farmland and would be able to set up their own government. Between 1633 and 1636 three settlements where made and the was the start of the Connecticut colony. The three settlements where called Windsor, Hartford, and Wethersfield The people who started these three colonies where puritans. The people who started the colony wanted a democratic government At first each settlement ruled itself but in 1638 they formed a central government. The Connecticut colonists wrote the Fundamental Orders this document became the constitution for Connecticut it set up the government for Connecticut. The Fundamental Orders let colonists vote for representatives to make laws. The colony as a whole elected a governor. A group from Massachusetts made the New Haven colony later it joined Connecticut.
Life In Connecticut The first Connecticut colonists faced many difficulties settlers had to clear land to build homes and farms the first shelters where made out of sticks and mud later small wooden houses where built. For most families life wasn’t much anywhere but the farm settlers planted corn, pumpkins, and beans they also picked wild blueberries and nuts. Everyone had a job men farmed women tended the home and children helped with daily chores.
Life In Connecticut Continued at first colonists where friendly wit Indians but in 1636 the Pequot war broke out and several tribes helped it lasted from1636-1637. together they defeated the Pequot but as more settlers came like other colonies land was taken from the Indians. This enraged the Indians so fights broke out and became common Connecticut also fought the French since they had colonies northwest of British colonies in North America. From 1689-1763 the British fought for land in North America many Indians sided with the French these battles are called the French and Indian Wars.
Work And Trade When Connecticut’s settlements grew into towns and cities lives where changed people didn’t have to farm stores where built and sold things like wagons, shoes, ships, and Blacksmith products. Connecticut was famous for manufacturing things where built like gristmills for turning grain into flour, sawmills for cutting logs into lumber, and foundries for melting and molding raw metal.
Work And Trade Continued Many workers didn’t get paid some people where apprentices and some were indentured servants some had no choice. An apprentice usually stayed and worked with the craftsmen for about seven years the craftsmen gave the apprentice clothes money or tools to start a business. Most settlers kept slaves mostly from Africa some where American Indians slaves weren’t aloud to leave the area if they did they where punished. In 1784 Connecticut passed laws to free the children of slaves in 1848 Connecticut’s government finally made slavery Illegal.
Connecticuts Imports And Exports Agricultural exports: Dried Meat Industrial exports: flour, iron, rum Natural Resource Exports: fish/seafood
Religion Most people in Connecticut where puritans and there faith was in reading the bible so reading was very important. A law was passed that towns with 50 families or more needed to have schools so people could learn to read
Religion Continued Connecticut’s towns where built around the meeting house and on Sunday church services where held the meeting house also served as a town hall for meetings and elections. Many Connecticut colonists came from Massachusetts where the church ruled the government these people wanted a different government they set up a colony ruled by the people. In 1662 the colony got a charter that allowed the new government
Becoming A State By 1763 The American colonies had Busy cities and large farms and Connecticut developed many factories. A while later Britain put taxes on paper, sugar, and tea Connecticut thought that Britain shouldn’t tax them they sent representatives to the Continental Congress to try to come to an agreement but failed. The Revolutionary war broke out and finally in July 1776 the Declaration Of Independence was made that stated colonies where states free from Britain’s rule.
When The Colony Became A State January 9, 1788 State #5
Importaint Facts Location New England Named after The Mohegan word meaning beside the long tidal river Population 1645 5500 1670 20000 1700 30000 1725 50000 1750 100000 1774 191342 First settlements: Windsor, Wethersfield, and Hartford Interesting Facts Connecticut was one of the first to demand Independence. Connecticut's leaders helped set up the United States government.