What in fact is the problem?! There are people who consider themselves too small to affect the Earth in any way. They believe that we are unable to manage the time and to change the world around us. But is it really true?
Human activity Although people are relatively insignificant percentage of the total biomass of the planet, the effect of their activities has enormous consequences on nature. Technological development leading to exploitation of natural resources on a large scale.
Today pollution is a major social problem in the world and man is the main cause of this.
There are different types of pollution: Aire pollution Water pollution Solid waste Noise pollution
What causes air pollution? Air pollution can be caused by natural and human factors.
HUMAN FACTORS ARE MUCH MORE DEVASTATING Heavy industry is the main and major air pollution. Fossil fuels generale gases which are produced in the air. They take responsibility for the acid rains. Vehicles which are producing smoke, pollute the environment and cause harm to the living beings.
Air pollution can cause irreversible damage to humans and the environment.
Water plays an important role in major rivers. Because the water is increased or decreased fertility. Water is also important for people, plants and animals.
Therefore we should not pollute the water with our waste: paper; plastics and chemicals.
We have to collect garbage separately We have to collect garbage separately
What did we do to keep clean around us?
On 7 th October students, teachers and parents from our school held a campaign to collect secondary ran materials under the motto “Let`s keep clean!”
To be clean – with clean faces, clean hands and pure hearts. When the heart is pure, we can keep clean around us. Why do not people care about what the world will be in the future?
All created by nature is in harmony with it. Waste of human activities are harmful to health and life.
To keep pure the heart of the Nature!
Your relationship with Nature Your relationship with Nature speaks volumes about you Do you only see Nature as a means to financial gain or are you 1 of those who Love Nature for her beauty and love her wildlife and her trees And her rivers, lakes and mountains, and her friends and flowers and bees? Your relationship with Nature says for more about you Than anyone else of you can say as their words may not be true For if you love Mother Nature and with her live in Harmony Then you are working for the good of all of humanity. By Francis Duggan