By Theologia Ladas
Matching Activity Directions: Match the word with it’s picture Octopus Starfish Crab Whale Sea Turtle
1. How many legs does an octopus have? A) 44 B) 1212 C) 88 D) 22
2. What do clown fish live in? A) Sea Weed Sea Weed B) Sea AnemonesSea Anemones C) CoralCoral D) BubblesBubbles
3. Where do whales spout their water from? A) Their MouthTheir Mouth B) Their FinsTheir Fins C)Their Blow HoleTheir Blow Hole
4. How do fish breathe? A) GGills B) LLungs
5. What treasure lies inside an oyster? A) A DiamondA Diamond B) A PearlA Pearl C) An OpalAn Opal D) A SapphireA Sapphire
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