This is JEOPARDY The Middle Ages The Middle Ages Mr. Booth/Alex Trebek Mr. Booth/Alex Trebek
Categories Germanic Kingdoms Chapter 13 terms Chapter 13 Key Concepts Chapter 14 Key Concepts Random Middle Ages Questions Chapter 14 Terms
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Who is Clovis? This first Frankish King appealed to the Christian God before a battle like Constantine. After his army won he and his 3,000 men were baptized to Christians. This was a way for him to control his kingdom.
Who is Charles Martel? Known as the Hammer, he was in charge of the Frankish empire and under his rule he defeated the Spanish Muslims (Moors) at the Battle of Tours in 732. This signaled the beginning of the Carolingian Dynasty of the Franks.
Who is Pepin the Short? Known for his different haircut, the pope would anoint him “king by the grace of God.” The Franks immediate turned into the Carolingian Dynasty. He was also the father of Charlemagne.
Who is Charlemagne? Was known as Charles the Great. He took over the Carolingian Empire with is brother after his father died. After his brother died he created the legacy of 1. unifying the empire through conquest, 2. spreading education, and 3. becoming the Holy Roman Empire because he was crowned by the pope.
In order to have his empire controlled properly, he divided his empire into 350_______ which were supervised by 350 ______. What is counties; counts?
Another name for a someone who receives a piece of land What is a Vassal?
Granted land in return for feudal obligations. What is a fief?
Peasant families owed the village priest this, or a church tax – which was 10% of the family’s income… What is a tithe?
Code of knightly behavior. What is Chivalry?
At age 14, a noble’s son could aspire to becoming this, or a knight’s servant, and escort the knight into battle with the hopes of one day becoming a knight. What is a squire ?
The Middle Ages had roots in these three things: What are 1. the church, 2. the classical heritage of Rome and 3. Germanic customs and culture?
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What is a Longbow? This medieval weapon of technology was used by many soldiers during the Middle Ages. The French version could aim the weapon accurate for 150 yards. This weapon lasted until the invention of the gun.
The church under Gregory I became increasing political to protect and expand. What is another name as discussed in class for becoming more political? What is secular?
The knight fought bravely in defense of these three masters What are lords, lord God, and his lady?
The three groups that attacked Western Europe in the Middle Ages What are the Magyars, the Muslims, and the Vikings?
This treaty distinguished what and who would get the inheritance of the Carolingian Dynasty after Charlemagne died. 1. What was the treaty, 2. who got the land? 3. What did this create? What is 1. the Treaty of Verdun. What is 2. Charlemagne’s three sons, and 3. this created the downfall of this empire because it was split up. This created a path for feudalism to begin. ?
Church created laws concerning marriage, divorce, or inheritance so increase control over Western Europe What is canon law?
The power of the king to appoint or name the clergy in your own country What is Lay Investiture?
The city where the Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV begged Pope Gregory I to take away the excommunication and interdict placed on him Canossa, Italy
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In 1305, the newly elected Pope, Clement V, moved the papacy from Rome to this French city What is Avignon, France ?
This pope gave a speech in Clermont, France and called upon all Christians to “enter upon the road to the Holy land and wrest that land from the wicked race, and subject it to yourself” Who is Pope Urban II
This is when the church becomes involved in worldly affairs (wars, politics, among other things.) What is acting Secular?
The Spanish word cruzade (crusade) literally meant this What is marked with a cross
Practice where bishops sold positions in the church What is simony?
Type of architecture in regards to churches where the roofs thrust upwards, and they have stained glass. What is Gothic Architecture?
This battle in 1066 pitted William the Conqueror and the Normans against King Harold Godwinson and the English. The winner would hold wear the crown as the King of England What is the Battle of Hastings ?
Phillip II helped strengthen the central government in France by doing two things: creating bailiffs who collected taxes and this: What is increasing the land size of France (tripled) by regaining Normandy?
What is Asia? The continent where the Bubonic Plague started
B. About 25 Million? The Plague killed this estimated amount of people in the 1300’s. a. about 10 million b. about 25 million c. about 50 million d. about 75 million
What is the Magna Carta? English nobles forced King John to sign this document that limited his power. Eventually this guaranteed basic legal rights in England in This included: 1. no taxation without representation, 2. the right of a jury trial, 3. protection under the law.