1 CHORUS + Coordinated approacH to the EurOpean effoRt on aUdio-visual Search engines ” Grant Agreement No CHORUS + 01/01/2010 – 31/12/ Jean-Charles Point JCP-Consult, France Nozha Boujemaa, INRIA France
17 November 2015 Grant Agreement No CHORUS+ objectives Support the integration and strengthening of European research by stimulating interaction and co-ordination at EU level in the area of audio-visual search engines: Technology: core technologies cross fertilisation and content collection sharing Socio economic Industry view Extend cooperation to Asian countries and (if-relevant) USA Support creation of a multidisciplinary approach Support dissemination results and strategies developed in ICT program 2
17 November 2015 Grant Agreement No Activities and WPs Structure Coordinate and foster the R&D actions on multimedia search engines: identify the most promising technologies and develop a high level view on key challenges to address by the search community (WP3) To share content collections and spread out best practices for evaluation framework (WP3) to include in the socio-economic and policy issues for the EU through some hot and timely topics in the search engine domain (WP4) Set-up a Think-Tank activity gathering the main stakeholders (WP5) Dissemination of findings, Workshops and conferences (WP2): Regular events (workshops, panels) in connection with major international conferences
17 November 2015 Grant Agreement No Activities and WP structure Exchange platform and concertation events (WP2) for IST project and external initiatives 4
17 November 2015 Grant Agreement No Partnership 5
17 November 2015 Grant Agreement No Project structure 6 WP2: Exchange platform, events, clustering WP2: Exchange platform, events, clustering WP3: next generation search engine enablers WP4: socio economic and policy analysis WP5 Think Tank WP5 Think Tank projects Search community Industry
17 November 2015 Grant Agreement No WP2 Activities Dissemination activities and exchange platform (WP2) for IST project and external initiatives including: Consolidated website with CHORUS+ activities and output: Information about events, projects, publications, etc.; periodic newsletter; deliverables Integration of Web 2.0 platforms (Twitter, LinkedIn) Collaborative Wiki-based exchange platform Inter-projects concertation, including external (non IST) projects: Set-up of a cluster (extension of AV search cluster) Co-organization of events, expert meetings Dissemination of flyers, brochures, reports, etc. 7
17 November 2015 Grant Agreement No WP2: exchange platform, events and clustering Collaborative Wiki-based exchange platform: integrated into CHORUS+ website created in a joint effort with collaborating initiatives publication of: best practices, data sets, framework recommendations, references, etc. for audio-visual search engines structure coordinated with output from WP3 public read access, editing for participating researchers and initiatives 8
17 November 2015 Grant Agreement No WP2: exchange platform, events and clustering Upcoming events: New Website online (March 2010) Workshop on mobile search: June 2010 Practioner’s day In CIVR 2010, July 5-7, 2010, in Xi'an, China Launch of collaborative platform (July 2010) ICT Brussels: TT on enterprise search: September 2010 Workshop on enterprise search: start
17 November 2015 Grant Agreement No WP3: next generation search engines enablers 3 main enablers: Mutualisation and sharing of Data (content collection) Analysis and Dissemination of Evaluation (includes components and system) Exchange and emergence of Knowledge 10
17 November 2015 Grant Agreement No WP4: socio-economic and policy analysis Addresses socio-economic / policy aspects 3 items planned to be addressed: Mobile search (workshop June 2010) Enterprise search (workshop end 2010/2011) Personalised data search 11
17 November 2015 Grant Agreement No Mobile Search workshop Workshop objectives: progress on topics below Identify how Europe can leverage their industrial assets Provide decision makers with specific socio-economic / policy analysis Observations: The use of mobile search is rapidly expanding; The ‘winning’ business model is yet unclear; Market players are positioning themselves. Issues Will the market solution be the best for citizens? Are European companies prepared for delivering novel services?
17 November 2015 Grant Agreement No WP5: Think Tank Brings the industry view to CHORUS+ work; 2 TT per year on focused topics, on invitation 1 st Think tank: June, Mobile search, in Future Network and Mobile Summit 2 nd Think Tank: September, ICT: enterprise search 13
17 November 2015 Grant Agreement No clustering AV search cluster, extended with national initiative / project external to Europe Increase Involvement in FIA (session tomorrow) Common events between projects Bilateral exchange between projects Contribution of projects to technical (WP3) and socio-economic/policy issues (WP4) 14
17 November 2015 Grant Agreement No Agenda tomorrow 9:00 - 9:15 Welcome and Introduction [Jean-Charles Point (JCP)] 9: : 45 New starting projects technical presentation and discussion CHORUS+ [Henri Gouraud(INRIA)] LIVING KNOWLEDGE [Francesco De Natale [UNITN]) GLOCAL [Francesco De Natale [UNITN]) I-Search [Dimitrios Tzovaras (CERTH)] Coast [Theodore Zahariadis [synelixis]) Envision? 10:45 – 11:15 Ongoing project PETAMEDIA (Martha Larson [TUDelft]) 11:15-11:30 - Break 11:30 – 12:00 Next FIA preparation: search session [Petros Daras (CERTH)] 12:00 – 12:30 EC consultation for workplan preparation [Loretta Anania (EC)] 12:30 – 13:00 Action items, AOB [Jean-Charles Point (JCP)] 15
16 Thanks for your attention Contacts: Scientific coordinator: Nozha Boujemaa, Project coordinator: jean-Charles Point, CHORUS + concertation meeting feb