Fixing Common Costing Errors This document s intended only for AX conference attendees and their parent companies, holding a valid AXIS ERP license from Aptean (previously Consona, previously AXIS). If you are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing, copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents of this information is strictly prohibited. This contains information that is the intellectual property of Aptean and is used with a limited permission to transmit. Redistribution of this information is strictly prohibited. It is very easy to make changes to the data in AXIS that cause errors to pop up in the nightly costing reports. Changes or additions to the parts or work center data are the most common ways errors are generated at Electro Cables. A strict procedural control of who can enter parts, work centers, or costs is highly recommended.
Fixing Common Costing Errors : Standard Cost Inventory Daily Close Error Summary Inventory Daily Close Error Details * * * Confidential Information of Aptean, Inc. These are newly entered parts that need follow-up Often the error messages are not helpful
* Confidential Information of Aptean, Inc. * The most common error we see occurs when a new part is entered and costed But the Frozen cost is not “rolled up”.
Current cost can also be missed, so check there too. * Confidential Information of Aptean, Inc. *
A new Work Center may have been added Look for missing absorption entries * * Confidential Information of Aptean, Inc.
Routings may be missing Labor and / or Machine rates * * Confidential Information of Aptean, Inc.
* Parts may have the Make/Buy setting mixed up