INFO415: Systems Analysis INFORMATION X Exercise Create a system sequence diagram for the following event, based on this class diagram EventTriggerSourceActivityResponseDestination Registrar creates new course section Section schedule request Registrar Create a new section and assign to a professor timeslot and a room Scheduled section Registrar Timeslot Room Professor Section 1 0.*1 1 Assumptions: Registrar supplies prof ID, CourseID and max enrolment System provides list of available rooms in specific time slots. Registrar chooses room / timeslot combo System creates section (and assigns CRN when prof, room and timeslot info has been found) System returns Prof name, CRN., room desc. and timeslot to registrar once section has been created Course 1 0.*
INFO415: Systems Analysis INFORMATION X System Sequence Diagram Registrar :system rooms, timeslots=identifyroomtime (CourseID, Prof ID, max enrolment) Prof name, CRN, room desc, timeslot =createsection (room,timeslot) Loop for each new section Assumptions: Registrar supplies prof ID, CourseID and max enrolment System provides list of available rooms in specific time slots. Registrar chooses room / timeslot combo System creates section (and assigns CRN when prof, room and timeslot info has been found) System returns Prof name, CRN., room desc. and timeslot to registrar once section has been created
INFO415: Systems Analysis INFORMATION X Sequence Diagram section timeslotroomprofessor Registrar scheduleSection (CourseID, Prof ID, max enrolment) profName:=getProfName (Prof ID) roomDesc:=getRoom (Size) course timeSlot:=getTimeslot (Length) CRN:creatSection (profID, Room ID, Timeslot) confirmSectioncreation (prof name, CRN, room desc., timeslot) Room_Time_slot_selection: =selectRoomTime (time_slot. room)