Ontario Universities Program in Field Biology Information Field courses are rewarding, challenging, and fun! Field program must be run efficiently in order to work. We need students to follow the guidelines to make sure things run smoothly. For Course listings - OUPFB Website - Biology bulletin boardOUPFB Website
Credits All courses are Biology credits, although some can be counted as an ERS credit instead, and a few as GEOG. These courses are indicated on the posted outlines. All courses are run through the Biology Department and any questions should be directed to Michael Berrill or the Biology office (Sandy Sisson).
Important Dates 1)Information Session: Tuesday, Jan 27, 1:00-2:00, ESB A209 (Please come: registration is complicated; we’ll go over the process outlined in the following slides) 2) ‘Sign-up’ session – Tuesday Feb 3rd, 8-9 am. In the corridor outside the Biology Office
What You Need to Do Complete the application form, choosing the course(s) that you would like to take. Bring a money order or certified cheque ($250) for the deposit (one for each course). Without payment you cannot sign-up for the course. This is not your Trent registration fee. Sign the form that acknowledges that you are aware that you must also enroll in the Field Course Program at Trent: Biol 386H or 387H (or both if you are doing 2 courses) and pay the appropriate fee. You will also need to fill in an add/drop form when registering.
Marks All courses are summer courses (must be paid for as summer courses). In some (most) cases (particularly late summer courses) marks may not arrive in time to be submitted as summer courses and an incomplete will be recorded. This will be updated when the mark arrives. If you are graduating this year consider the time of your course.
If a course is only 1 week long, you cannot take it
The Process Places are offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Trent has a number of reserved places for some of the field courses (indicated on the posted outlines). As long as a place is open when you register, you will receive a guaranteed spot. If Trent has no reserved places or the places have been filled, you will be put on a waiting list.
I st Choice versus 2 nd Choice If you are on a waiting list for your first choice and choose a second option, which has a guaranteed spot, this place is guaranteed as long as another Trent student does not choose it as their first choice. The first choice is always given priority and you could be bumped onto a waiting list if all Trent places are taken.
Once you have completed the forms Information is sent to from all universities to the University of Ottawa, where it is compiled and sent to the course instructors. The instructors will contact the students (The ones with guaranteed places will be contacted. Students on a waiting list may be contacted*). * some instructors will only contact students on the waiting list who are allocated a spot.
Confirmation Students should hear within about a month whether their place has been confirmed. At any time before the course starts, a place may become available if a student drops the course. If you drop a course that you have been confirmed in then you will lose your deposit unless the place can be filled. The instructor will tell you when full payment is due.
Trent You must also pay an additional course fee to Trent (and will register on a waiting list). If you do not get a spot then you must contact the registrar’s office. You will not receive a mark unless you have registered at Trent.