L.Ya. Vinnikov   L.A, Emelchenko ISSP RAS, Chernogolovka, RUSSIA


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Presentation transcript:

Visualization Abrikosov’s Vortices by Decoration Method in Novel Superconductors L.Ya. Vinnikov   L.A, Emelchenko ISSP RAS, Chernogolovka, RUSSIA F.L. Barkov J.Karpinskii ETH-Zurich, SWITZERLAND S.M.Kazakov J. Jun J.Anderegg AMESLAB,ISU, AMES, USA S.L.Budko P.C.Canfield V.Kogan

History(outline) Add pictures –vortex pinning for YBCO123 by twin boundaries

Anisotropy FLL in YBCO (ab) plane YBCO 123 YBCO 124

Vortex pinning by twin boundaries in YBCO123

Flux Line Lattice destruction by columnar defects in BSCCO

Observation flux Line Lattice in the Organic Superconductors

Vortices in MgB2

The VL in LuNi2B2C for B=1840 Gs Add data V3Si ? The right insert is the Fourier transform, the left one autocorrelation pattern

Anisotropy in the long-range order LuNi2B2C V3Si PRB (2000) Anisotropy in the long-range order


N. Saha, R.Surdeanu, M.Marchevsky et al PRB (2000)

Vortex Structure in ErNi2B2C H=8 Oe, Td=5.5K

Vortex Structure in HoNi2B2C H= 17 Oe, Td= 4.3K

Magnetoelastic tetragonal-to-orthorhombic distortion for RNi2B2C

Magnetic structure for RNi2B2C

Superconducting and antiferromagnetic transition for RNi2B2C

Magnetic Flux Structure in TbNi2B2C The direct evidence for magnetic nature of the pinning by twin boundaries in RNi2B2C R=Er (at least partial)

SUMMARY The Bitter decoration provides a distinctive high-resolution technique for observation of anisotropy FLL, vortex pinning as well as antiferromagnetic domain in magnetic superconductors.   We have observed magnetic (vortex) structure for wide range magnetic fields and temperatures for superconducting and normal states for family RNi2B2C single crystals . We find the crystalographic ordered vortex structures in HoNi2B2C and ErNi2B2C result from pinning by magnetic twin boundaries in antiferromagnetic state. The domain magnetic structure have revealed in AF state in TbNi2B2C for the first time by Bitter decoration technique. Taking to account the symmetry of magnetoelastic distortions at AF transition in RNi2B2C we can predict that for DyNi2B2C at temperatures less than TN should be observed structures similar observed here for HoNi2B2C