National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) Data Architecture Subcommittee Status and Future September 14, 2006 Kshemendra Paul Chief Enterprise Architect US DOJ
2 Web Site ( Average hits / day 1,842 pre-beta 10,923 currently Average downloads / day 11 pre-beta ~100 currently Web site activity for the period from June 1, 2006 to August 31, 2006
3 Agenda What is NIEM? NIEM Goals and Objectives NIEM Conceptual Architecture NIEM Organization and Governance NIEM Deliverables NIEM Pilots NIEM Status NIEM Web Site DAS / NIEM Opportunities to Collaborate Lessons Learned Next Steps Discussion
4 What is NIEM? NIEM was launched on February 28, 2005, through a partnership agreement between the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) NIEM brings Communities of Interest (COIs) together to: –Develop (and harmonize) (reusable) data exchange components –Leverage (NIEM and external) data exchange components to build information exchanges –Publish and discover reusable information exchanges –Provide public domain standards and technical tools to support the above –Provide training, technical assistance and implementation support services for enterprise-wide information exchange
5 NIEM Use Cases To effectively exchange information, there must be a common semantic understanding of data among participants, and the data must be formatted in a consistent manner. NIEM provides reusable components and IEPDs for exchanges Between NIEM domains (inter-domain). Within NIEM domains (intra-domain) (where multiple sub communities exist within a single NIEM domain, e.g. justice).
6 Built on the Global JXDM NIEM is deeply rooted in the GJXDM and Global Justice Community, and committed to maintaining and growing that relationship The Global Justice XML Data Model (Global JXDM) has –A robust, mature framework that is rich, flexible, and extensible –An effective governance mechanism –Widespread recognition and use, especially among state and local agencies NIEM builds on the demonstrated success of the GJXDM –NIEM 0.1 is based upon GJXDM –The Global JXDM will form the justice domain of NIEM (the jxdm namespace) –The GXSTF will continue to represent the Global JXDM within NIEM
7 Built on the Global JXDM, continued NIEM = GJXDM + Expanded Scope + Lessons Learned Incremental changes to GJXDM to address specific issues and expanded scope A few examples: –Expanded Domains (Intel, International Trade, Emergency Mgt, Infrastructure Protection, etc.) –Better Modularity –Improve Reusability - Leveraging work of others – Discovery of IEPDs and components –Capturing Business Context –Incorporating feedback into the model - Model Refinement through use –Support for components from external standards –IEPD consistency
8 NIEM is an implementation of the cross-COI information sharing layer of the FEA DRM The intelligence domain within NIEM is implementing the EO standards The NIEM architectural goal is to allow independent governance of domain-specific standards via a “plug-in” architecture for domain data models. NIEM, ISE and the DRM
9 NIEM Goals and Objectives Deliver NIEM –Publish NIEM 1.0 –Ramp up and implement governance –Develop validated and vetted product roadmap Catalyze NIEM adoption and usage with stakeholders –State/Local/Tribal practitioners –Federal Agency information technology initiatives –Authoritative bodies that can sponsor reference information exchanges for their COI Support the Program Manager – Information Sharing Environment –National priority counter-terrorism information exchange standards leveraging NIEM Deepen partnerships with communities of interest –Update and extend DOJ / DHS MOA to other federal agencies & their state/local/tribal partners –Finalize and implement NIEM / GJXDM convergence Become the standard, by choice, for government information exchange –Follow information exchange requirements from current to future stakeholders –For example, fusion centers as an information exchange nexus
10 Fit With Federal Enterprise Architecture Policy Performance Business Data Services Technology Scope of FEA Information Exchange Architectural Profile Business – standard information exchanges –Focus on reuse and modification –Authoritative vs. non-authoritative –Discover / register exchanges via repository Data – common vocabulary for building information exchanges –Focus on reuse –Federated, hierarchical domain structure –Optional and over-inclusive augmentation Performance – measure information sharing –Use/reuse of information exchanges –Use/reuse of data components (in/out of model) –Line of sight provides actionable feedback Focus of NIEM Influenced By NIEM
11 NIEM Federated Domain Architecture Data component - fundamental building block of NIEM. Data components are either Universal, Common, or Domain- specific. Universal components - data components commonly understood and reused among all domains; subject to NIEM governance. Common components - data components understood and potentially reused between two or more domains; subject to NIEM governance. Domain-Specific - components managed by a specific Community of Interest (may be reused with COI, available for reuse by others).
12 Business-driven Approach BRM LoBs Subfunctions IEPD NIEM IEPD Business processes many-to-many IEPD Library Homeland Security Border & Transport Security Disaster Management Emergency Response Dispatch Services Person Screening Independent Development Consistent Classification
13 NIEM Domains NIEM Core Universal Common Structures ZNZN ZNZN NIEM J J Sc EM Im IP IT Intel NIEM Domains: Represent a subset of components expected to be used in NIEM for inter-domain, intra-domain exchanges or both Are governed by a cohesive group of data stewards who are domain experts, have some level of authority over the domain and harmonize semantic conflicts Govern their own content under guidelines established by NIEM PMO Are wrapped in a namespace to facilitate governance and to serve as the primary taxonomy.
14 External Domains NIEM Domains NIEM Core Universal Common Structures ZNZN ZNZN NIEM J J Sc EM Im IP IT Intel External Domains: Represent a data standardization initiative outside of NIEM Do NOT fall under NIEM NDR or governance Can be leveraged to create a new NIEM domain May participate in NIEM in the following ways: Total migration (the special case of GJXDM) Wrap / refer (how an external standard is used) Translate / map (NIEM set maps to original data set) Extract / use (translate and move original data set) Adopt (becomes a candidate for a new NIEM domain) External Domain
15 IEPD Development vs the Model IEPD Library (virtual) NIEM The Model – NIEM reusable components IEPD Development National priorities (e.g. NDEx, TWPDES) Authoritative sources (e.g. Rap Sheet) Local requirements NIEM NDR reuse / revise add / replace reuse add / replace
16 IEPD Subset Extension NIEM External 2 External 3 External 1 External External domains or standards 1, 5 – create 2, 4 – wrap / refer 3 – translate / map 6 – adopt IEPDs and Data Components
17 Organization Model: External View
18 NIEM NDR NIEM NIEM IEPD Life Cycle 0 Scenarios, BRM Taxonomy 2 Map + model 3 Build + validate 4 Assemble to IEPD spec 1 Info exchange requirements 5 Publish + implement Executive orders, mission statements, business requirements, business context, policies/procedures Existing IEPD artifacts Submission of candidate NIEM components, component business context Specific information exchange, high-level business requirements, existing IEPDs IEPD artifacts to share/reuse, metadata for discovery IEPD artifacts to share/reuse, metadata for discovery Gap analysis, specs for new components Valid IEPD schemas, example instances, documentation, metadata Data requirements, business context, exchange model Data requirements, business context, exchange model IEPD for reuse library NIEM NDR Complete IEPD IEPD Lifecycle
19 NIEM IEPD Life Cycle 0 Scenarios, BRM Taxonomy 2 Map + model 3 Build + validate 4 Assemble to IEPD spec 1 Info exchange requirements 5 Publish + implement Executive orders, mission statements, business requirements, business context, policies/procedures Specific information exchange, high-level business requirements, existing IEPDs Submission of candidate NIEM components, component business context IEPD artifacts to share/reuse, metadata for discovery IEPD artifacts to share/reuse, metadata for discovery Existing IEPD artifacts Gap analysis, specs for new components Valid IEPD schemas, example instances, documentation, metadata Data requirements, business context, exchange model Data requirements, business context, exchange model IEPD for reuse library NIEM NDR NIEM NDR NIEM Complete IEPD IEPD Lifecycle
20 IEPD Life Cycle Feeds the Data Model Maturity Life Cycle NIEM Staging Area NIEM Governance NBAC / NTAC: vet, harmonize, conformance Groups with common data interests Early Awareness & coordination IEPDs New component candidates & business context NIEM IEPD Life Cycle 0 Scenarios, BRM taxonomies 4 Assemble to IEPD spec 1 Info exchg requirements 5 Publish + implement 3 Build + validate 2 Map + model Top down Bottom up
21 Deliverables Documentation Introduction to NIEM Concept of Operations User Guide NIEM Naming and Design Rules Standards NEIM 1.0 IEPD requirements specs Training and Technical NIEM website Training materials Help desk Tools Component Mapping Template Schema Subset Generation Tool Graphical Browser IEPD Repository Governance and Processes The structure to manage and maintain NIEM and the processes and procedures behind its operations.
22 NIEM Pilots Based on Business Scenarios Content Contributor Pilots –DHS Immigration and Customs Enforcement ICE Enterprise Data Model mapping to NIEM –DHS Customs and Border Protection United Nations Trade Data Elements Directory (UNTDED) –DHS Emergency Management Adding Disaster Management, Resource Message contents –Geospatial Community of Interest Adding Geospatial contents –DHS Team 5 Pilot People Screening data elements from five DHS components –DHS Infrastructure Protection (NADB) Adding infrastructure protection contents Early Adopter Pilots –Intelligence Community Watchlist Message Pilot Terrorist Watchlist Person Data Exchange Standard (TWPDES) Working group, OCIO Watchlist and NCTC actively participating –National Capital Region Data Exchange Hub Pilot Virginia, DC, and Maryland representatives leading the pilot In partnership with the Disaster Management eGov initiative Initial target: First responder resource request messages –OCIO ITEP Pilots (kickoff in August 2006) Data model validation using semantic web techniques JIEM Tool for business stakeholder facilitation
23 NIEM Pilots Based on Business Scenarios AnalysisData Model Build IEPD Promote Data Publish & Test Feed- back Incident Reporting (DOJ) Terrorist Watch List (DNI) People Screening (DHS) SAR (NCTC) Cargo Screening (DHS) Emergency Mgmt. (DHS) Case Mgmt. (DOJ) Infra Protection (DHS) With Funding & Support As Is (4Q FY06) Interim To Be (3Q FY07) RED = not completed or significant problems present YELLOW = initial activities either started or upgrades underway GREEN = Completed AnalysisData Model Build IEPD Promote Data Test IEPD Feed- back Incident Reporting (DOJ) Terrorist Watch List (DNI) People Screening (DHS) SAR (NCTC) Cargo Screening (DHS) Emergency Mgmt. (DHS) Case Mgmt. (DOJ) Infra Protection (DHS) * * = New to NIEM; SAR Shading Indicates Higher Risk Outcome *
24 Status NIEM 1.0 Beta 3 was released on September 11, 2006 NIEM 1.0 Release Candidate end of September or early October Scaling up and implementing Governance structures Pilot projects underway GJXDM convergence plan promulgated Cross Federal alignment discussions underway
25 Web site –
26 Training and Technical
27 Tools
28 Tools: Graphical Browser
29 Tools: Schema Subset Generation Tool
30 Tools: IEPD Tool
31 Tools: IEPD Tool
32 DAS / NIEM Opportunities to Collaborate Number one priority – engagement from practitioners –Pilot projects – analysis through to implementation Number two priority – feedback on products –NIEM 1.0 beta 3 / release candidate –Tools – available now –Introduction, Concept of Operations, & Naming and Design Rules –Enhanced, scaled-up Memorandum of Agreement DAS has provided feedback on Concept of Operations –Substantial, comprehensive, and material feedback –Follow-up in place via Byron Waltham and Paul Embley Data component harmonization –DAS and NIEM are looking at person object –DAS Governance (?) and NIEM Business Architecture Committee
33 Lessons Learned GJXDM Usage Base and Governance Structure Enables NIEM Governance and policy are the critical path, not technology –They are both also really hard –Process cannot replace relationships and trust –Balance between: inside / outside the beltway; architectural / operational –We are making progress – lots more to do State and local involvement as first rank partners –As practitioners, stakeholders, thought leaders Role of industry, academic partners Success = adoption and use –Never forget that the best way to get this is the simplest – listen!
34 NIEM 1.0 Release Candidate in late September / early October –Scale Up Governance Activities Catalyze Conversion of GJXDM IEPDs by Authoritative Bodies – ~58 IEPDs in OJP IEPD Clearinghouse ( PM-ISE national priority target outcomes –Counter-Terrorism Information Sharing Standards Encourage and seed other independent adoption and use by COIs –Sponsored by Authoritative Bodies within a Communities of Interest –Driven by Practitioners with specific (inter-domain) information exchange requirements Evolve and Scale DOJ / DHS MOA Technical support –Help desk –Expand FAQ topics –Develop NIEM training materials Expand communications and outreach efforts –Within existing COIs –Follow adoption to new domains and COIs –Executive, legislative, and judicial branches at the State, Local, Tribal and Federal levels Next Steps
35 Conclusion For more information visit the NIEM web site ( Contact NIEM by at Questions and Discussion