SRC p. 3
Screening Progress Monitoring Diagnostic Outcome ii + iii = NCLB
(9) (a) Elementary schools must offer reading instruction in a dedicated, uninterrupted block of time of at least ninety (90) minutes duration daily to all students. The reading block will include whole group instruction utilizing the comprehensive core reading program and small group differentiated instruction in order to meet individual student needs. (9) (b) A Comprehensive Core Reading Program (CCRP) must be implemented as the major instructional tool for reading instruction. (9) (a) Elementary schools must offer reading instruction in a dedicated, uninterrupted block of time of at least ninety (90) minutes duration daily to all students. The reading block will include whole group instruction utilizing the comprehensive core reading program and small group differentiated instruction in order to meet individual student needs. (9) (b) A Comprehensive Core Reading Program (CCRP) must be implemented as the major instructional tool for reading instruction. ii – Initial Instruction Florida State Board Rule 6A Broward’s Comprehensive Reading Plan ii – Initial Instruction Florida State Board Rule 6A Broward’s Comprehensive Reading Plan SRC p. 3
DURING 90-Minute Reading Block Comprehensive Core Reading Programs Comprehensive Core Reading Programs Whole Group Instruction Small Group Instruction Independent/Group Practice and Application Broward Schools – ii DAILY Initial Instruction (ii) must be: Focused on Specific, Differentiated Needs of Students Delivered Explicitly and Systematically Scaffolded According to Needs of Students Conducive to Learning, by Providing the Following Components - * background knowledge building, motivation for learning, reading/writing connections, and print-rich classroom environments ii = high quality INITIAL INSTRUCTION – delivered to all students through a comprehensive core reading program during a daily 90-minute, uninterrupted reading block.
DURING 90-Minute Reading Block Third Grade Alternative Comprehensive Core Reading Programs Third Grade Alternative Comprehensive Core Reading Programs Whole Group Instruction Small Group Instruction Independent/Group Practice and Application Broward Schools – ii DAILY Initial Instruction (ii) must be: Focused on Specific, Differentiated Needs of Students Delivered Explicitly and Systematically Scaffolded According to Needs of Students Conducive to Learning, by Providing the Following Components - * background knowledge building, motivation for learning, reading/writing connections, and print-rich classroom environments ii = high quality INITIAL INSTRUCTION – delivered to all third year third grade students through an alternative comprehensive core reading program during a daily 90-minute, uninterrupted reading block. * Kaleidoscope OR * Wilson Reading OR * Voyager WITH Treasures/Triumphs
ii + iii = NCLB (1) (b) Immediate intensive intervention must be provided daily for all students who have been identified with a reading deficiency. This intervention must be in addition to or as an extension of the ninety (90) minute reading block in a smaller group size setting or one on one. The student must continue to be provided with intensive reading instruction until the reading deficiency is remedied. SRC p. 3 iii – Immediate Intensive Intervention Florida State Board Rule 6A Broward’s Comprehensive Reading Plan iii – Immediate Intensive Intervention Florida State Board Rule 6A Broward’s Comprehensive Reading Plan
iii = IMMEDIATE INTENSIVE INTERVENTION – delivered to struggling readers through supplemental/comprehensive intervention reading programs, beyond the 90-minute reading block. DAILY Intervention Instruction (iii) must be: Delivered Beyond Reading Block, as Double/Triple Dose(s) Focused on Specific, Differentiated Needs of Students Progress Monitored Frequently Delivered in a More Intensive Reading Instructional Format * flexible grouping, smaller instructional group size, greater instructional time, greater instructional intensity that is explicit and systematic, and greater scaffolding and accommodations Continued Until the Deficiency(ies) Remedied Broward Schools – iii BEYOND 90-Minute Reading Block Supplemental and Comprehensive Intervention Reading Programs Small Group Instruction One-on-One Instruction
FREQUENCY and duration of meeting in small groups (the WHEN) – once daily, twice daily, etc. FOCUS of instruction (the WHAT) – work in vocabulary, phonics, comprehension, etc. FORMAT of lesson (the HOW) – determining lesson structure and level of scaffolding, modeling, explicitness, systematic delivery, content intensity, etc. SIZE of instructional group – 1, 3, 4, 6 students, etc. Analyze DATA to determine the 3 Fs and 1 S (the WHY) Provide PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT that focuses on the collection and analysis of data, the 3 Fs, and 1 S SRC p. 3
Disaggregate Data Assess Student Needs Review Resources Target Instruction (differentiate by 3Fs and 1S)
Instructional Environment ALL STUDENTS DESERVE INSTRUCTION WITHIN THE LEAST RESTRICTIVE ENVIRONMENT. Instruction provided within an inclusion classroom is preferred over placement in a self-contained classroom, IF THE STUDENT IS MAKING ADEQUATE PROGRESS.
Instructional Resources ALL STUDENTS DESERVE INSTRUCTION USING THE LEAST RESTRICTIVE RESOURCES. Instruction provided using comprehensive resources that address all essential reading components are preferred over the use of highly intensive resources that limit instruction to only one or two essential reading components, IF THE STUDENT IS MAKING ADEQUATE PROGRESS.
Step 1: Problem Identification “What is the problem?” “Why is it occurring?” Step 3: Intervention Design “What are we going to do about it?” Step 2: Problem Analysis Step 4: Response to Intervention Step 4: Response to Intervention “Is it working?”
SRC p. 3 RESPONSE TO INTERVENTION / INSTRUCTION (RtI) Manner in which Instruction is Provided Continuum in Intensity of Instructional Delivery Tier I, Tier II, and Tier III
Struggling Reader Chart – support strengthening instruction for struggling readers Data – drives instruction (skill/strategy needs), rather than instructional programs Tiers I, II, and III – continuum of instructional intensity (not specific program/category) Instructional Intensity – more time per session, more sessions per week, smaller group sizes, more explicit/systematic delivery, etc. Reading resources should be allocated in direct proportion to the differentiated needs of students. Tier I Core Curriculum Instruction – For ALL Tier I Core Curriculum Instruction – For ALL Tier II Strategic Intervention Instruction Tier II Strategic Intervention Instruction Tier III Intensive Intervention Instruction Tier III Intensive Intervention Instruction SRC p. 2 TIER I ALL Students Receive Initial Core Instruction TIER II Tier I Students Receiving Strategic Interventions TIER III Tier I Students Receiving Intensive Interventions
Comprehensive Core Reading Programs * foundation of reading instruction * consist of scientific, research-based instructional practices * methodologies designed to support all students in core curriculum Comprehensive Core Reading Programs Comprehensive Core Reading Programs Tier I Core Curriculum Instruction Tier I Core Curriculum Instruction Supplemental programs may be used to enhance instruction based on needs of class/school. For example, if data indicates a specific school has a need to increase vocabulary instruction beyond that offered by the comprehensive core reading program, then a vocabulary program is needed to supplement the core curriculum for all students. Supplemental programs may be used to enhance instruction based on needs of class/school. For example, if data indicates a specific school has a need to increase vocabulary instruction beyond that offered by the comprehensive core reading program, then a vocabulary program is needed to supplement the core curriculum for all students. SRC p. 2 ALL Students Receive Initial Core Instruction TIER I
Supplemental and Intervention Resources included in Comprehensive Core Reading Programs * alignment with effective core instruction * provides additional instructional support Tier II Strategic Intervention Instruction Tier II Strategic Intervention Instruction For example, Triumphs can be delivered at a variety of strategic levels to increase student progress: Treasures Approaching Level; w/ Triumphs Intervention, both during two separate small group instruction times within the 90-minute reading block Triumphs Intervention, during small group instruction within the 90-minute reading block; w/ Triumphs Intervention, during a double dose of instruction delivered beyond the 90- minute reading block For example, Triumphs can be delivered at a variety of strategic levels to increase student progress: Treasures Approaching Level; w/ Triumphs Intervention, both during two separate small group instruction times within the 90-minute reading block Triumphs Intervention, during small group instruction within the 90-minute reading block; w/ Triumphs Intervention, during a double dose of instruction delivered beyond the 90- minute reading block SRC p. 2 Tier I Students Receiving Strategic Interventions TIER II
Supplemental and Comprehensive Intervention Programs Recommended on Struggling Reader Chart * data indicates inadequate student progress * comprehensive core reading program resources not meeting differentiated needs of students * supports delivery of more strategic instruction Tier II – cont’d Strategic Intervention Instruction Tier II – cont’d Strategic Intervention Instruction For example, the phonics instruction in Fundations provides more visual, tactile, and kinesthetic support than Triumphs, and may be more effective and powerful for certain populations of students: Triumphs Intervention, during small group instruction within the 90-minute reading block; w/ Fundations, during a double dose of instruction delivered beyond the 90-minute reading block. For example, the phonics instruction in Fundations provides more visual, tactile, and kinesthetic support than Triumphs, and may be more effective and powerful for certain populations of students: Triumphs Intervention, during small group instruction within the 90-minute reading block; w/ Fundations, during a double dose of instruction delivered beyond the 90-minute reading block. SRC p. 2 Tier I Students Receiving Strategic Interventions TIER II
Supplemental and Comprehensive Intervention Programs Recommended on Struggling Reader Chart * data indicates inadequate student progress * comprehensive core reading program resources not meeting differentiated needs of students * supports delivery of more intensive instruction Tier III Intensive Intervention Instruction Tier III Intensive Intervention Instruction For example, comprehensive and supplemental intervention programs can be combined to provide increased daily doses of intensive, explicit, and systematic instruction, offering a more effective and powerful instructional plan for students exhibiting the greatest substantial reading deficiencies: SRC p. 2 TIER III Tier I Students Receiving Intensive Interventions
Tier III – cont’d Intensive Intervention Instruction Tier III – cont’d Intensive Intervention Instruction Triumphs Intervention, during small group instruction within the 90-minute reading block; w/ Triumphs Intervention, extended during a double dose of instruction delivered beyond the 90-minute reading block; w/ Great Leaps, during a triple dose of instruction delivered beyond both the 90-minute reading block and double dose instructional time Triumphs Intervention, during small group instruction within the 90-minute reading block; w/ Fundations, during a double dose of instruction delivered beyond the 90-minute reading block in a two-to-one pull-out model Triumphs Intervention, during small group instruction within the 90-minute reading block; w/ Triumphs Intervention, extended during a double dose of instruction delivered beyond the 90-minute reading block; w/ Great Leaps, during a triple dose of instruction delivered beyond both the 90-minute reading block and double dose instructional time Triumphs Intervention, during small group instruction within the 90-minute reading block; w/ Fundations, during a double dose of instruction delivered beyond the 90-minute reading block in a two-to-one pull-out model SRC p. 2 TIER III Tier I Students Receiving Intensive Interventions
Screening Progress Monitoring Diagnostic Outcome Schools are encouraged to continue using the assessments that have proven to be valuable for the purpose(s) intended. SRC p. 4
Assessment for Instruction SRC p. 5
Elementary Reading Assessment Schedule (2 pages) The following chart does not reflect all assessment options recommended for progress monitoring of all essential components of reading instruction. See Struggling Reader Chart and PMP for a complete list of recommended progress-monitoring assessments.
Graphically Displaying Progress-Monitoring Data Simple Line Graphs Provide Effective Display of Data Trends Frequency of Data Collection Can Vary – Monthly, Every Other Week, Weekly Factors Determining Frequency of Data Collection for Progress Monitoring – Intensity of Student Needs, Targeted Intervention, Type of Assessment Simple Line Graphs Provide Effective Display of Data Trends Frequency of Data Collection Can Vary – Monthly, Every Other Week, Weekly Factors Determining Frequency of Data Collection for Progress Monitoring – Intensity of Student Needs, Targeted Intervention, Type of Assessment
Simple Line Graphs Can Be Created Electronically Excel program allows for entry of student progress-monitoring data that will support the creation of simple line graphs, as demonstrated in the next four slides. Personalize Graph Benchmark Line Score (student data) Line Trend Line
Graphing – Letter Naming Data Kindergarten – Weekly Across One Quarter
Graphing – Running Record Data First Grade – Every 4 Weeks Across the Year
Graphing – Oral Reading Fluency Data Second Grade – Every 4 Weeks Across the Year
Graphing – Sequencing (comprehension) Data Second Grade – Every Other Week Across Two Quarters
District-Supported Interventions for Struggling Readers in Grades K-2 These resources should be considered when students need more strategic (Tier II) or intensive (Tier III) intervention instruction, beyond the core reading program (Tier I). Fidelity of implementation is critical to the success of these research-based programs. Oral language intervention should be incorporated into all daily instruction, based on student need. Use the school-based speech and language pathologist as a resource. SRC pp. 6-7 SRC pp. 6-7
District-Supported Interventions for Struggling Readers in Grades 3-5 These resources should be considered when students need more strategic (Tier II) or intensive (Tier III) intervention instruction, beyond the core reading program (Tier I). Fidelity of implementation is critical to the success of these research-based programs. Oral language intervention should be incorporated into all daily instruction, based on student need. Use the school-based speech and language pathologist as a resource. SRC pp. 8-9
Triumphs Fundations Phonics for Reading Great Leaps Grades K-2 Grades 3-5 Super QAR Accelerated Literacy Learning Accelerated Literacy Learning Triumphs Wilson Reading Phonics for Reading Intermediate Rewards Super QAR Soar to Success Full Descriptions Provided for each of these Programs SRC pp. 6-9
Elementary Struggling Reader Supporting Resources Supplemental resources are suitable for differentiating instruction for all students (Tiers I, II, III). Oral language intervention should be incorporated into all daily instruction, based on student need. Use the school-based speech and language pathologist as a resource. SRC p. 10
Elementary Struggling Reader Technology Resources Technology resources are suitable for differentiating instruction for all students (Tiers I, II, III). SRC p. 11
District Supported Interventions for Language Acquisition - ESOL K-5 The materials listed below are supplementary and are intended for differentiated instruction for English Language Learners. Fidelity of implementation is critical to the success of these research-based programs. SRC pp
Supporting Differentiated Instruction for Struggling Readers Using Supplemental Leveled Texts Struggling readers become frustrated if unable to read grade-level text. When a student’s instructional reading level falls significantly below grade level, exposure to grade-level texts through scaffolded teacher support is vital. Scaffolded instructional support occurs as “teachers challenge their students to engage in learning tasks they are unable to complete independently by providing support,” through modeling, thinking aloud, and dialoguing, which enables students to actively participate by “sharing their teachers’ understanding of the tasks” until they become capable of performing the tasks independently. Contributed by Judith Winn, Ph.D., Associate Professor in the Department of Exceptional Education at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee LEVELED TEXT RESOURCE COLLECTIONS School Resource Room Classroom Libraries Core Programs Supplemental Intervention Programs LEVELED TEXT RESOURCE COLLECTIONS School Resource Room Classroom Libraries Core Programs Supplemental Intervention Programs SRC p. 14 SRC p. 14
The Reading Level Equivalency Chart provides measurements for determining grade-level equivalency across several text-leveling systems and assessments. Readiness Through Grade Five SRC p. 15 SRC p. 15
Comprehensive Problem Solving through Collaboration is Critical to the Effective Practice of Response to Intervention/Instruction
Additional District Information on Response to Intervention/Instruction Psychological Services Department of Broward County Public Schools Mark A. Lyon, Ph.D., Team Leader CPS/RtI Materials