Thomas Hobbes Social Contract All humans naturally selfish and wicked Without govt., war of every man against every man Nature, life would be solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short Social Contract People gave up rights to ruler for law and order Ruler needed absolute power to impose order and demand obedience of citizens
John Locke People could learn from experience and improve themselves Have natural ability to govern own affairs and look after welfare of society All people born free with Natural Rights Life, Liberty and property If govt. fails to do these rights, people have right to overthrow govt. Govt. power comes from consent of people Foundation for modern democracy Inspired struggles for liberty in Americas
Enlightenment in France Philosophes – French philosophers who believed people could apply reason to aspects of life
5 Core Concepts of Philosophy Reason – truth discovered though logical thinking Nature – what was natural was good and reasonable Happiness – lived by nature’s laws Progress – society and humankind could be perfected Liberty – liberties English won in Bill of Rights, Too many restrictions on speech, religion, trade and personal travel in France
Voltaire Satire against his opponents Fought for tolerance, reason, freedom of religion and speech Mocked laws and customs of France Raised doubts about Christianity
Montesquieu Studied Rome, collapse due to loss of political liberties Believed Britain best-governed country Separation of Powers - balanced among three groups King – executive, carried out laws Parliament – legislative, make laws Judges – judicial, interpret laws Checks and balances Each branch check other branch to insure one group from gaining total control
Jean Jacques Rousseau Individual Freedom Civilization corrupted people’s natural goodness Strongest forced everyone else to obey laws, destroying freedom and equality Direct democracy - only good government All people are equal and titles of nobility should be abolished
Cesare Beccaria Law exists to preserve social order not avenge crimes Accused should receive speedy trial Torture should never be used Punishment should fit the crime Governments should seek greatest good for greatest number of people
Women of Enlightenment Mary Wollstonecraft Disagreed that women’s education should be secondary to men Women need education to be virtuous and useful Should be able to be doctors and not just nurses Salons – social gathering to discuss enlightenment ideas and artistic performances