$100$100$100$100 $200$200$200$200 $300$300$300$300 $400$400$400$400 $500$500$500$500 AmericanRevolutionEnlightenmentThought & More This N’ That VIPs
C1-$100 VIPs-100 VIPs-100 He wrote the Declaration of Independence… Thomas Jefferson
C1-$200 VIPs VIPs - $200 He discovered the law of universal gravitation Isaac Newton
C1-$300 VIPs VIPs - $300 This king built the Palace at Versaille to show illustrate his power Louis XVI
C1-$400 VIPs VIPs - $400 The Glorious Revolution resulted in _______ and ______ gaining England’s throne William & Mary
C1-$500 VIPs VIPs - $500 This philosopher believed in the idea of a social contract between the people and government Rousseau
C2-$100 American Revolution American Revolution - $100 A major reason for the colonist’s defeat of the British was: French involvement and a strong motivation for liberty
C2-$200 American Revolution American Revolution - $200 What Enlightened thinker influenced the US Constitution with separation of branches? Montesquieu
C2-$300 American Revolution American Revolution - $300 This was the last document created after the signing of the U.S. Constitution U.S. Bill of Rights
C2-$400 American Revolution American Revolution - $400 The ideas of Voltaire, Locke Rousseau influenced this document The Bill of Rights
C2-$500 American Revolution American Revolution - $500 This Enlightened philosopher contradicted the thoughts of the US Constitution and thought a strict monarch was needed for order: Thomas Hobbes
C3-$100 Enlightenment Thought & More - $100 Improvements in science & medicine were a result of this Scientific Revolution
C3-$200 Enlightenment Thought & More - $200 Salons, vaccinations & educated women were all a result of Enlightenment Ideas
C3-$300 Enlightenment Thought & More - $300 The enlightenment idea of life, liberty and happiness is embodied in in this document U.S. Declaration of Independence
C3-$400 Enlightenment Thought & More - $400 The belief that society naturally progresses was possessed by the philosophes
C3-$500 Enlightenment Thought & More - $500 The Enlightenment promoted a belief in progress, a more secular outlook and _______ in _______ faith in science
C4-$100 This N’ That This N’ That - $100 When did the Constitutional Convention happen After the American Revolution
C4-$200 This N’ That This N’ That - $200 These two economic factors weakened the Spanish Empire severe inflation & high taxes
C4-$300 This N’ That This N’ That - $300 American colonists protested this as “taxation without representation”: The Stamp Act
C4-$400 This N’ That This N’ That - $400 Religious conflicts and territorial disputes made this possible Absolute rulers coming to power in Europe
C4-$500 This N’ That This N’ That - $500 The English Bill of Rights was similar to the Magna Carta because it established the Limits of Royal Power