Stress Can anyone honestly tell me that they do not experience any stress in their lives? The purpose of this unit is to learn how to identify stress, and how stress effects the body, our health, and our lives.
What is Stress? A nonspecific response of the body to any demand made upon it. 2 Types: Eustress = positive stress Comes from positive events or a positive reaction to a given situation Distress = negative stress Comes from bad events or your negative reaction to a given situation Eu stress: alert, focused, motivated, energized, confident Distress: nervous, forgetful, frightened, confused, unsure.
Whatever causes stress Stressors Whatever causes stress Peer groups School/work Family and other relationships Environment Stressor: any situation that puts demand on the body and mind. Ex. Going on a date, taking an exam, giving a speech.
Two Types of Stressors Daily Hassles Small stressors that may occur on a daily basis Major Life Events Events that require some adaptation or readjustment to a situation
Symptoms of Stress Worry Loss of Appetite Frustration Depression Fatigue Neck Pains Backache Loss of Appetite Dizziness (fight or fight) Stomach Pains Ulcers High Blood Pressure Headaches Stressors Activity!
Negative Coping Frequent use of OTC drugs Use of drugs or alcohol Withdrawal Fasting/eating binges Excessive smoking Rationalizing Projecting Compensations Avoidance
How Stress Effects the Body Alarm Stage: the 1st stage of stress! Body releases adrenaline Fight or Flight response All your body’s efforts go into responding to the demand Fight or flight: body releases epinephrine Heart beats faster Eyes widen Breathing speeds up Muscles tension Sweating increases Increased blood pressure
Resistance Stage Body is trying to recover from the alarm of the 1st stage! Still not functioning at normal energy levels. Stressor still present. If stress continues your body becomes more resistant to the stressor. You can cope with added stress but only for a limited time!
Exhaustion Stage Body is worn down an tired No energy left to fight the stressor More susceptible to illness during this stage. Body can no longer fight the stressor, especially if there are repeated stressors You Feel? Exhausted, organs may suffer, immune system can no longer fight illness.
Early Warning Signs of Stress Physical Signs: Muscle tension Head ache Upset stomach, pounding heart shortness of breath increased sweating dry mouth grinding teeth and nail biting
Emotional Signs of Stress Anger Impatience Nervousness Forgetfulness Inability to concentrate Negative thinking Excessive worrying Loss of interest Crying a lot and self criticism
Behavioral Signs of Stress Loss of Appetite Overeating Drug Abuse Sleep Problems Restlessness Hurrying Talking Fast Reckless Behavior Fidgeting
Stress management Program Stop worrying about the little things High level of physical fitness Proper Diet Awareness of reaction to stress Awareness of common stressors Support groups Goal setting Time Management Involvement in challenging activities Relaxation techniques
Stress Management Techniques! Exercise (relieves tension) Get Enough Sleep Eat Right Breathing Exercises/Tension-Releasing exercises TIME MANAGEMENT!!!!! Make time for yourself to do absolutely NOTHING Time Management Activity!
So Much “To Do” so Little Time! Write down everything you have to do Prioritize your list (what's the most important?) Do most important tasks first! Eliminate Unnecessary things that waste time! Finish one thing before you start another!