Aim: How can we gain an understanding of the political beliefs of Hobbes and Locke? Do Now: Write a summary of the political views of Plato and Aristotle from the notes/chart that you created yesterday. Make sure to include at least 2 details from each philosopher.
VOCABULARY Thomas Hobbes John Locke Constitution Declaration of Independence Enlightenment natural rights separation of powers social contract
Thomas Hobbes English philosopher believed that an absolute monarch could best keep the “social contract.”
John Locke English philosopher who argued governments are created to protect our “natural rights” of life, liberty and property.
Questions Biography: Where was the philosopher born? What was his upbringing? What was his job? Where did he study? What book(s) did he write? Philosophical Ideas: Did this political thinker think people could govern themselves? Is humankind basically good or bad? What, if any, are the underlining ideas behind this person’s thinking? Beliefs in government: What did this thinker believe is the best form of government? Did this thinker contribute any new political ideas?