BACKGROUND Acute Foundation Trust serving the area of Chesterfield & North Derbyshire (includes the Peak District). 549 beds. 2006/07 Budget £138,000,000. 3,500 employees.
WHY? November 2004 HSE Formal Inspection of the Trust recommended ‘assessment of staff stress’. ‘Volunteered’ as one of the ‘Willing 100 Organisations’.
INITIAL PLANNING GROUP Director of Allied Clinical & Facilities Services. Head of HR. Head of Environmental Risk.
PLANNING GROUP Trial the survey in Central Services. Agreed Key Indicators: - Staff turnover rates - Sickness absence levels - Referrals to staff counselling services. Instigate a Stress Working Group: - Terms of reference - Membership - Programme of meetings.
STRESS WORKING GROUP Director of Allied Clinical & Facilities Services Head of HR Head of Environmental Risk Head of Performance Central Services Department Reps (all volunteers) - Estates - Domestic Services - Pharmacy - OT - Physiotherapy - Catering (Contractor)
STRESS WORKING GROUP Monthly Meetings. Terms of Ref: to Plan, Co-ordinate & Monitor the Project. Agreed the project programme.
PROJECT PROGRAMME Inform and gain staff support: - news letters - department briefing sessions. Issue Stress Indicator Tool. Collate Indicator Tool Results. Facilitate Department Focus Groups. Collate Results, Agree & Monitor Action Plans.
DEPARTMENT BRIEFINGS What is Occupational Stress HSE Stress Management Standards The Questionnaire & Confidentiality Focus Groups Results & Action Planning.
THE QUESTIONNAIRE Used the HSE questionnaire with an additional cover sheet with the ‘Department’ printed on and a comments sheet.
COLLATING RESULTS 342 completed questionnaires from possible 620 (55%). Inputting 342 papers into Xcel data system took approx 21hrs. The additional comments sheets results were very useful. Should have asked for more details on cover sheet.
DEPARTMENT FOCUS GROUPS 8 staff received focus group facilitation training from ACAS. Agreed a strict format for all focus groups. Results of the questionnaire and focus group were combined to produce department action plans.
ACTION PLANS The Working Group compiled both a Directorate Action Plan and Department Action Plans. The Action Plans are now being monitored through the Directorate Risk Register (standing item on the Monthly Team Brief).
ACTION PLAN EXAMPLE A Therapy Service: “Insufficient time with each patient. Staff feel they are not giving the care required for some patients”. Action: Changes made to the booking system to allow additional time where required.
ACTION PLAN EXAMPLE Domestic Services: “Due to staff sickness I am often required to help on other wards and I worry I am neglecting my ward” Action (this was also raised with the trust as a infection control issue): Additional funding was made available for recruiting additional domestic staff.
ACTION PLAN EXAMPLE Dietetics: “Medics & Nursing Staff not understanding our role in patient care”. Action: Dietetics staff are now given time on Medical & Nursing update training.
ACTION PLAN EXAMPLE Domestic Services (Evening Staff): “Feel they are not being communicated to as well as morning and afternoon staff”. Action: The provision of a notice board just for Evening Staff, which the Supervisors are responsible for updating.
WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO DIFFERENTLY? Ask for more staff details on cover sheet: - department - employment Not use Focus Groups.