Emotional Problems Journal “If I was having an emotional problem, I would…….”
Vocabulary Phobia – unreasonable fears of objects or ideas Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) – not being able to keep certain thoughts or images out of your mind
Vocabulary Anxiety – feelings of uncertainty or worry over what may happen. Anxiety Disorder – a serious emotional problem that keeps a person from functioning normally.
Vocabulary Mood Disorder – a serious emotional problem where a person’s mood goes from one extreme to another Depression – an emotional problem marked by long periods of hopelessness and despair Suicide – a deliberate act of taking ones own life
What are some ways that we can help people who we think are having emotional problems??? ???
AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Stress – your body’s response to changes around you Is stress a positive or a negative thing? Activity Write down all of the things that are STRESSING you out right now.
Journal “If I thought one of my friends was having an emotional problem, I would help them by…….”