The Building of European Supremacy Society and Politics To World War I
What were the population and migration trends in the mid 19th c.?
What resulted from Migration + Industrialization? Industrialization created two worlds – Developed & undeveloped nations Developed & undeveloped nations Migration patterns expanded due to industrialization & transportation developments From rural to urban From rural to urban From Europe to other regions of the world From Europe to other regions of the world
C/C the 1 st & 2 nd Industrial Rev’s: 1 st Industrial Revolution Textile, steam, iron based Textile, steam, iron based British began British began Rural > urban migration Rural > urban migration Changes in gender roles & family structure Changes in gender roles & family structure Consumerism in GB Consumerism in GB Middle Class Middle Class social problems social problems 2 nd Industrial Revolution Steel, Oil, Chemical & Electricity based Steel, Oil, Chemical & Electricity based >>Continental Europe… Belgium, F, Germany >>Continental Europe… Belgium, F, Germany Bessemer & Solway Processes… R&D Bessemer & Solway Processes… R&D Daimler… Ford … OIL, STEEL, GLASS, RUBBER, etc. Autos!!! Daimler… Ford … OIL, STEEL, GLASS, RUBBER, etc. Autos!!! Expanding consumerism Expanding consumerism White Collar / Petite Bourgeoisie White Collar / Petite Bourgeoisie More social problems More social problems
What were the effects of the Industrial Revolutions? Poor Working Conditions & Wages Child Labor Changing Role of Women Coal Mining UrbanizationEducation Class Structure Production Modernization of Cities & Buildings Modern Inventions
What were the effects of the Industrial Revolutions? Talk to a partner and brainstorm Positives ? Negatives ?
What were the responses to the effects of the Industrial Revolution? Urban Renewal Redesign of Cities Redesign of Cities Paris – Georges Haussmann Paris – Georges Haussmann Modernizing & Rebuilding Shopping & Recreation New structures Eiffel, Subway, Sacre Couer Eiffel, Subway, Sacre Couer Suburbs & Shopping Sanitation – Sewers & Water Sanitation – Sewers & Water Housing – Safe, Comfortable, Sanitary & Affordable Housing – Safe, Comfortable, Sanitary & Affordable
La Belle Epoch: Late 19 th c. Change
What were the responses to the effects of the Industrial Revolution?
Improved health, housing & sanitation Public Health Act 1875 Public Health Act 1875 Pave, Light, Sweep streets City inspectors Water Quality… filters Water Quality… filters Housing redesign Housing redesign Sewers SewersUnderground Personal Hygiene Personal Hygiene Public Bath Houses Food Food Quality, Preservatives Safety Safety Professional Police Force = Cops & Bobbies
What were the responses to the effects of the Industrial Revolution?
Reform Act 1832 aka Great Refom Greater equality in voting rights Greater equality in voting rights No Rotten Boroughs No Rotten Boroughs More representation for urban areas More representation for urban areas Althorp Act 1833 No Child under 9 works No Child under 9 works 9 hour day for 9-13 year olds 9 hour day for 9-13 year olds 12 hour day for year olds 12 hour day for year olds No night shifts No night shifts Other Laws 1840s No women or girls/boys under 10 in mines No women or girls/boys under 10 in mines Mandatory education + Safety improvements Mandatory education + Safety improvements
INDUSTRIALISM RAFT: You are a newspaper journalist… after researching the realities & effects of the Industrial Revolution, write a one-page RAFT editorial style that comments on: Industrialization, is it worth it? Include both the positive & negative, communicate a clear position and justify it
Industrialization Effects RAFT A Dateline & catchy Headline A Dateline & catchy Headline An Introduction ¶ An Introduction ¶ Your opinion of whether the effects on individuals & society are mostly positive, negative or mixed, make a clear choice A ¶ on the positive effects on people & society A ¶ on the positive effects on people & society A ¶ on the negative effects on people & society A ¶ on the negative effects on people & society A ¶ of 2-3 recommendations on improvement A ¶ of 2-3 recommendations on improvement A visual A visual Relevant picture, graph, cartoon, etc Refer to five (5) different aspects of the Ind. Rev. (think SPRITE minus religion) Refer to five (5) different aspects of the Ind. Rev. (think SPRITE minus religion)
Industrialism Document Analysis Set up groups Receive info matrix Receive document Analyze & discuss it (both sides) as a group & list key info on your matrix Use it as a resource for RAFT assignment
What was life like for Women in late 19 th c. Europe? Social Disabilities Property Law + Identity Property Law + Identity Family Law + Education Limits Family Law + Education LimitsEmployment Pink Collar = Low Wages Pink Collar = Low Wages Assumptions? Assumptions? Separate Spheres = Casual Work Separate Spheres = Casual Work Oversupply + Poverty = Legalized Prostitution Oversupply + Poverty = Legalized Prostitution The Middle Class Woman Cult of Domesticity… Religion, Charity, Family Size Cult of Domesticity… Religion, Charity, Family Size Political Feminism Class Division, Nationalism, Mixed Message >> ?? Class Division, Nationalism, Mixed Message >> ?? SUFFRAGE! Millicent Fawcett v. Emmeline Pankhurst SUFFRAGE! Millicent Fawcett v. Emmeline Pankhurst
How did Jewish people fare in 19 th c. Europe? Late 1700s >> Late 1800s Progress Western & Central Europe Western & Central Europe Increasing tolerance & acceptance Citizenship & Legal Rights = Opportunity Limitations to Progress Russia & Eastern Europe Russia & Eastern Europe Intolerance & Persecution… Pogrom Emigration late 1800s Anti-Semitism in G & F >> Zionism Anti-Semitism in G & F >> Zionism
What were the responses to the effects of the Industrial Revolution? Utopian Socialism Robert Owen – New Lanark Robert Owen – New Lanark Improve workers conditions Fed, housed & clothed kids Fed, housed & clothed kids Good wages & conditions Good wages & conditions Generate loyalty WIN – WIN? Others followed Others followed Lost his shirt! Lost his shirt!
What were the responses to the effects of the Industrial Revolution?
Union Movement Grows… Banned in GB until 1824 Banned in GB until 1824 Lacked Gov’t support Lacked Gov’t support Trade Union Congress 1868 Trade Union Congress big unions collaborate Right to Strike 1870s Right to Strike 1870s New Union Movement New Union Movement Includes semi- & unskilled Unions seek… Better wages, benefits, hours, conditions… Better wages, benefits, hours, conditions… Collective Bargaining Collective Bargaining
What factors led to the rise of the European working class in the late 1800s? Unionism Grows with legal recognition and protection Grows with legal recognition and protection Shift to include both skilled & unskilled labor Shift to include both skilled & unskilled labor Provides a means to confront inequity Provides a means to confront inequityDemocratization Expansion of the franchise Expansion of the franchise Universal Male Suffrage Liberal political parties form… “Socialist” Liberal political parties form… “Socialist” Reform inevitable due to a political voice Reform inevitable due to a political voice
Analyze the Cartoon
Other responses to the effects of the Industrial Revolution: New Ideas by Marx & Engels “Workers of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!” “Workers of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!” Communist Manifesto Communist Manifesto Bourgeoisie vs. Proletariat Violent revolution by Proletariat Dictatorship of the Proletariat End game = stateless, classless society Socialist political parties in Europe & around the globe
How did socialism develop in Europe? Marxism & the First International – 1860s 1 st International kept info & communicated 1 st International kept info & communicated Marxism = dominant form of socialist thought in mid 1800s Marxism = dominant form of socialist thought in mid 1800s Great Britain = Orderly Reform Keir Hardie – 1892 – 1 st worker > Parliament Keir Hardie – 1892 – 1 st worker > Parliament Trade Union Congress >> Labour Party Trade Union Congress >> Labour Party Fabian Society = change via existing means Fabian Society = change via existing means Government action Government action France = Socialist Factions, Anarchist Roots Jean Jaures = cooperation with bourgeoisie to reform Jean Jaures = cooperation with bourgeoisie to reform Jules Guesde = overthrow of Jules Guesde = overthrow of Georges Sorel = Achieve goals via action = STRIKE Georges Sorel = Achieve goals via action = STRIKE Germany = Social Welfare Development SPD survives Bismarck >> social welfare laws SPD survives Bismarck >> social welfare laws Erfurt Program >> Kautsky = improve workers’ lives Erfurt Program >> Kautsky = improve workers’ lives Revisionism >> Bernstein = social reform not revolution Revisionism >> Bernstein = social reform not revolution
Russian Socialism: Politics & Economics Sergei Witte = Industrialization Gov’t Planning + French $ = Growth Gov’t Planning + French $ = Growth Trans-Siberian RR, Coal, Iron, Textile… Trans-Siberian RR, Coal, Iron, Textile… Russian Problems Agricultural inequity… high taxes, low prices, kulaks $$ Agricultural inequity… high taxes, low prices, kulaks $$ Proletarian Issues.. No unions, poor conditions Proletarian Issues.. No unions, poor conditions Divided Socialism… Divided Socialism… Social Revolutionary Party = no industry Constitutional Democratic Party = constitutional monarchy
Russian Socialism: Politics & Economics Leninism Revolution, not reform Revolution, not reform **Elite directs the revolution **Elite directs the revolution Bolsheviks dominates Mensheviks Bolsheviks dominates Mensheviks Russo – Japanese War R loses war, people lose confidence R loses war, people lose confidence Bloody Sunday in St. Petersburg Protestors murdered = No trust in gov’t Protestors murdered = No trust in gov’t 1905 Revolution Strikes > Soviets created > Nicholas II v. Duma – reactions? Strikes > Soviets created > Nicholas II v. Duma – reactions?