GPS Explorer: Overview and Extension to INDIGO Paul Jamason | Scripps Orbit and Permanent Array Center (SOPAC ) IGS Analysis Center.


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Presentation transcript:

GPS Explorer: Overview and Extension to INDIGO Paul Jamason | Scripps Orbit and Permanent Array Center (SOPAC ) IGS Analysis Center Workshop, Miami, 2008

GPS Explorer Background NASA REASoN project to provide GPS data products/services using new web technologies/standards project overview: java-based web portal; web 2.0 (mapping, inter-portlet communication) develop common formats (xml) and methods (web services) for improved metadata and data exchange Geophysical Resource Web Services: NASA MOSES project to allow users to perform modeling in a portal context application of various time series models

GPS Explorer Framework Uses the JSR-168 compliant portlets (java-based windows in portal with user controls; distributable to other portals) user logins; save data/results for future viewing standard look/feel across pages; easy configuration Employs a workflow/dashboard approach users select and save groups of GPS sites via mapping portlet. Data queries, modeling operations are performed throughout portal on saved groups. Inter-portlet communication Dynamic content produced via calls to back-end web services

GPS Explorer Portal: Mapping SOMI: Scripps Online Mapping Interface University of Minnesota MapServer; input data layers stored at SOPAC (e.g., fault lines) interactive velocity vectors users can draw bounding boxes to select sites recent performance optimization Migrating to OpenLayers open source API user community utilize non-google data layers MapServer; tile caching

GPS Explorer Portal: Products Processed GPS coordinates millions of xyz coordinates from SOPAC/JPL/REASON combination/PBO dynamically queryable and exportable to urls GPS Time Series layer time series from different sources/sites via Java Applet display time series dynamically by clicking sites on map Velocities view/layer velocity vectors for various sources/reference frames Strain Maps under development

(GPS Explorer Web Demonstration)

GPS Explorer Portal: Geophysical Resource Web Services Standardized approach to data submission/retrieval Inter-agency data exchange Use XML standards Geography Markup Language (GML): represent features/geometry/reference systems/time observation collections; filter encoding transfer XML via SOAP/web services alternatives: JSON, REST Advantages: Independent server-side code. call web services from other web pages/sites, command-line utilities, etc. Adaptable - e.g., REASoN -> INDIGO: new web services

XML and Geodesy at SOPAC: IGS Site Logs Overview:

Sample XML IGS Site Log <igsSiteLog xmlns=" xmlns:mi=" xmlns:equip=" xsi:schemaLocation=" xmlns:xsi=" Scripps 5 - Mt. Soledad SIO5 SIO5 ECCS 40460M006 La Jolla California USA ASHTECH Z-XII3 GPS LP02814 CD T00:00Z T00:00Z ASH701945B_M CR BPA T00:00Z T00:00Z

GPS Explorer Portal: INDIGO SOPAC and INDIGO Inter-service Data Integration for Geodetic Operations systems enabling the simultaneous use of multiple space geodetic techniques Utilize IT resources and JPL collaboration in support of IGS Potential development areas: Include all GNSS sites at CDDIS/JPL/IGN (GSAC) Extend GPS Explorer capabilities to include SLR/VLBI/DORIS Site mapping Common data exploration/visualization tools Incorporate GPS products into (next-generation?) GSAC Provide web services wrapper to GSAC

GPS Explorer Portal: Future Focus on IGS support via INDIGO How can GPSE serve as common interface for user access to data/metadata? Add “Products” tab Portal name change? Evaluate/implement feedback from user survey, NASA website developers Ingest/display new data sources Cross-browser compatibility Javascript development Evaluate other portal frameworks (JBOSS) Interactive Strain Maps

Login Page

Site Selection

Site Data Visualization

GPS Site Processed Coordinates

GPS Site Position Time Series

GPS Site Velocities

Strain Resources

Filter Time Series: Job Setup

Filter Time Series: Output