Realities of the Great Depression
Objectives Name three main social problems during the Great Depression Why was it hard for women to find work during the Great Depression? What some ways people tried to “escape” their problems?
Bright Future 1929 U.S. families saw nothing but prosperity ahead of them o President Hoover said, “We have not yet reached the goal, but given a chance to go forward with the policies of the last eight years, and we shall soon with the help of God be within the sight of when poverty will be banished from the nation.”
Major Social Problems Unemployment and poverty Breakdown of Families Soaring high school dropout rates
Unemployment and Poverty As unemployment went up many lost homes –Use up savings –Drop insurance polices –Pawn jewelry and clothes –Sell furniture
As the Depression continued –Fathers lost jobs –Spent their days looking for jobs –Few actually brought home a paycheck Child birth rate goes down
Unemployment Rates
The Railroads and other services took a big hit in the wallet along with everyone else!
Breakdown of Families Challenging for the Fathers Some fathers suffered anxiety and a feeling of worthlessness More than half of the nation’s children were in families that did not have enough money to provide: – Adequate food –Shelter –Clothing – or Medical Care
Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins- one out of every five school children were suffering from malnutrition Government relief agencies would help the poorest hold off starvation –Many still went hungry
The American Home In a 1934 survey –42% of city homes and apartments –92% of farm dwellings had no central heating Entire Nation –27% of homes lacked refrigeration equipment –31% had no running water –32% had an outdoor toilet –39% did not have a bathtub or shower
Women Women’s movement lost momentum 1930, 1 out of 5 women were working outside the home States passed laws prohibiting the hiring of a married women New Deal relief agencies were reluctant to give aid to unemployed women
African Americans New Deal did more to reproduce patterns of discrimination than equality First to be laid off Hard to find housing in segregated cities Often entire family slept in one room 40-50% of their income went to pay rent
Mexican Americans 500,000 returned to Mexico by 1935 –Same number that came to the U.S. in the 1920s “Invisible Minority” Urban Mexicans benefited from the New Deal Those that lived in rural areas were offered little help by the New Deal
School Dropout Children expected to get an education –Needed to help the family financially 1930 three million students between 7-17 left school Schools shortened the school year Teachers fired Black schools were the first to close
Court Packing Feb. 5, 1937 Add one new Justice for every Justice that is: –Over 70 –Has more than 10 years experience Allow FDR to appoint SIX new Justices Reason? –Current justices were too old and feeble to handle the large volume of cases coming before them
The Real Reason –Prevent the conservative justices on the court from dismantling the New Deal Owen J. Roberts a former opponent decided to support the New Deal New Deal programs then passed 5 to 4
“We’re the first nation in the history of the world to go to the poorhouse in an automobile.” – Will Rogers
Escapism Americans were looking for a way to escape –If they couldn’t find work, at least they could: go for a drive have a cigarette or go to a movie – Sales of oil, gas, cigarettes, and movie tickets all went up
Golden Age of Hollywood
Legacy Great Depression connects the 19 th and 20 th centuries Depending on the Government for help –Welfare programs –Social Security Relative Poverty