TimeLedger components developed by ITOS LTD. This project is aimed at small and average-size businesses and covers a whole spectrum of project management and business activities. 1 A secure web-based billing and time tracking software meant for successful project management.
Entering primary information (Time Entries) can be made in various ways. Thus, there is a desktop application as well as a web-based interface designed for it. Data is entered by each timekeeper according to the projects and activities he/she is assigned to. There is a mechanism allowing project-managers to analyze and approve or on the contrary correct these activities. Time Entry TimeLedger components developed by ITOS LTD. 2
Integration with QuickBooks Synchronization between TimeLedger Program and Quickbooks is easy as ABC using the comfortable interface. The system supports synchronization with other time tracking, project management and account system applications: QuickBooks Quicken MS Project TimeLedger components developed by ITOS LTD. 3
Integration with Palm No matter whether you travel or work at home -- you still can afford updating your managerial information using Palm. TimeLedger components developed by ITOS LTD. 4 All the mobility you need.
Invoicing: Set Up One of the most important features of a billing-system is Invoicing. Quite often its convenience and functionality (diversity of its functions) is the key factor for its users. TimeLedger components developed by ITOS LTD. 5 TimeLedger provides an incredible variety of choice, starting with Invoice Set Up up to Payment features. The system’s flexible customizability allows to create invoices in the form the user is accustomed to.
Invoice Generation One mouse click is enough to enable you to generate invoices of your choice: either all the company’s invoices for a given period of time or specific invoices meeting your requirements (timekeeper, client, concrete activity, etc.) TimeLedger components developed by ITOS LTD. 6
Track Invoice Any created invoice should be approved by a person responsible for the client/project. During the approval period every record of the invoice can be edited. After invoices have been generated they are collected in one list where they remain till the payment is made by the client. All the paid invoices are available in the invoice-archive upon request. TimeLedger components developed by ITOS LTD. 7
Send Invoice to Client An accepted invoice can be sent to the client in one of the following ways: as an attachment as a link to a web-site as a *.PDF file TimeLedger components developed by ITOS LTD. 8
Payment Management As soon as a payment has come from the client it can be referred to a specific invoice, a project or an entry statement. Financial reports on any client, invoice, payment, etc. can be retrieved. TimeLedger components developed by ITOS LTD. 9
Generating Reports Reports of different kinds can be generated for an overall analysis of the business. TimeLedger components developed by ITOS LTD. 10 They can be specific for a timekeeper, activity, department or general for the whole company.
Company’s Performance The user is able to analyze the dynamics of business development for a defined period of time applying various criteria. TimeLedger components developed by ITOS LTD. 11