Chapter 5 Section 3 Notes
I. Pericles’ Three goals for Athens
A. Golden Age 480 BC – 430 BC
B. First Goal was to strengthen Athenian democracy
Voting Stones
1. Increased the number of paid public officials
a. More money for average more people involved in government
2. Direct Democracy a form of government in which citizen 2. Direct Democracy a form of government in which citizen rule directly.
3. In Athens, male citizens established important government policies.
4. Pericles used money for treasury to build the largest navy for trade and protection.
5. Pericles bought gold, ivory and marble to beautify Athens
a. Parthenon built to honor Athena
II. Greek Styles in art
A. Proportion and balance Classical Art
B. Phidias was the sculptor of the statue of Athena in the Parthenon
C. Figures that were graceful, strong and perfectly formed.
III. Greek Drama
A. Invented Drama in the West
B. Civic Pride and tribute to the gods
C. Tragedy
1. These included love, hate, war and betrayal
2. Hero had a tragic flaw
a. Error of judgment or personality defect
3. Three notable dramatists
a. Aeschylus wrote The Oresteria about the family of Agamemnon
525 BC - 456 BC Aeschylus
b. Euripides wrote the play Medea featured sympathetic portrayals of women
484?-406 BC Euripides
c. Sophocles wrote Oedipus Rex
d. Thespius was the inventor of the play
1. Thespians
4. Comedy included slapstick situations and crude humor
a. Inventors of satire making fun of customs, politics and respected people of the time
b. Aristophanes was one of the best known comics 448?-385? BC
IV. Spartans and Athenians go to War
A. Sparta declared war against Athens in 431 B.C.
B. Wars between Sparta and Athens became known as the Peloponnesian Wars
C. Peloponnesian Wars lasted for 27 years
D. Thucydides wrote The History of the Peloponnesian Wars
Thucydides (about 460 -404 BC)
V. Philosophers Search for Truth
A. Philosophers means “Lovers of Wisdom”
B. Two parts to Greek Philosophy
1. The Universe is put together in an orderly way
2. People can understand these laws through logic and reason
C. The sophists were teachers that questioned everything
1. Unpopular
D. The three main philosophers
(427 BC -347 BC 1. Socrates 469 B.C.- 399 B.C.
a. Major question Know Thyself
b. Placed on trial for corrupting the youth
2. Plato 427 B.C. –347 B.C. was the student of Socrates about 427-347 B.C.)
a. Plato wrote the book The Republic
1. About the Ideal society
3. Aristotle 384 B.C. 322 B.C.
a. Invented a method arguing according to the rules of logic
b. Wrote the book Politics
1. About best governments