State Assessments ~Andover~ 2014 and Beyond
Future of Assessments State BOE Decision: Dec. 10, 2013 Did not approve the use of Smarter Balanced Assessments (Split Vote, 5-5) Approved CETE to develop a Kansas assessment for grades 3- 8 and high school Approved the use of multiple assessment options at the high school level (CETE, ACT, SAT, DLM, cPass)
This Year: 2014 Assessments Transitional Assessment for ELA and Math o Developed by CETE (out of the University of KS) o Aligned to the Kansas College and Career Ready Standards (KCCRS) o Grades 3-8 and 11th grade students o Follows similar blueprint to Smarter Balanced (SBAC) o Machine-scorable items only o No performance tasks o No writing prompts o No listening items
This Year: 2014 Assessments Science Assessment o Based on “old” standards o Grades 4,7 and 11 o Alternate students will take the portfolio assessment as normal Social Studies – History/Government No History/Government assessment Pilot tests = Contact Jill if your school is interested.
This Year: 2014 Assessments Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM) o Replaces the Alternate Assessment o Developed by CETE in Lawrence o Field test for ELA and Math KELPA for English Language Learners o Last year of KELPA, New assessment next year No Smarter Balanced Field Tests
This Year: 2014 Assessments Performance Levels: This year, we will have 4 levels: Exceeding Standard Meeting Standard Approaching Standard Academic Warning The performance levels may change in future years.
Preparing Students for New Format & Tools Practice Tests: All students must take the practice test prior to taking the real assessment. The practice tests will help teachers and students become familiar with the test format and tools. No student data provided. Practice tests feature all available types of technology-enhanced items. Directions for Practice Tests: 2.pdf 2.pdf Descriptions and Examples of Technology Enhanced Items
Preparing Students for New Format & Tools Formative Assessments: Formative assessments are optional from the district perspective. Formative assessments provide practice for the grade level content. Student data is provided after the assessment. Formative assessments do not include all of the technology- enhanced features that the real assessment will include. Directions: Please follow the directions Jill created. Unfortunately, the directions in the KITE user manual seem to be missing some specific steps.
Preparing Students for New Format & Tools What is the difference between formative assessments and practice tests? Technology Enhanced Items: Practice Tests include all of the technology enhanced items; formative assessments do not. Content Specific Items: The formative assessments are content specific while practice tests are more generic and are intended to practice using the tools. Student Data: The practice tests will not provide student data/feedback; the formative assessments will provide data. Use: Practice tests are required by the district and formative assessments are optional from the district perspective.
Next year: ELA and Math: CETE Transitional Assessment with additional technology enhanced items and features. Field Test Enhancements – They don’t count for accountability but we will receive data. Enhancements include: Listening section (headphones/earbuds required) Writing Prompt Math Performance Tasks
Next year: Science: Will include only items from the current assessment that are aligned with Next Generation Science Standards (Grades 4, 7 and 11) Students qualifying for the alternate will be assessed with Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM).
Next year: History/Government assessment will be a field test of the new assessment based on 2013 standards. English Language Learners (ELL) will participate in the field test of the ELPA21 computer assessment.
Summer 2015 CETE will analyze field test items and create the best form possible that includes all features of our future assessment. New achievement standards (cut scores and performance level descriptors) will be set. Using the new cut scores, we will set new AMOs. The assessment will be the BASELINE year for AMOs.
Future: ELA and Math: o CETE developed Math and ELA College and Career Ready Assessment. o These assessments will now include performance items that will need to be human scored. o Assessments will be adaptive Science: o Field test of new science assessment o Grade levels changed to 5th, 8th and 11th.
Future: History/Government: New assessment administered ELL Students: ELPA21 Assessment High School: Multiple assessment options, pending approval of Kansas waiver to the Dept. of Education. The state BOE approved: CETE, ACT, SAT, DLM and cPass
Focusing our Energy There are a lot of changes happening with the state assesments at this time. The process and formats are literally being developed as we go at the state level. We’ll keep you updated and informed. That being said, let’s choose to focus our energy elsewhere for the time-being. Where should we focus our energy? We have a great opportunity to focus our time and energy on what matter’s most: Teaching and Learning. Our work is really to truly understand and align the new standards, transform our instruction with rigor & relevance, incorporate mulitple ways to assess student learning, and continue to learn and grow professionally. We have a great start and will continue our work next year.
State Assessment Meetings: 7:15am or 3:00pm in the Library Only have to attend 1 Only for teachers giving the assessments Tuesday, February 4th
State Assessments ~Andover~ 2014 and Beyond