Internet2 Overview Bob Riddle, Internet2 14 February 2003
What should we talk about? Here are questions I hope to answer: What is Internet2 all about? How is it different from “Internet1”? What is Abilene and why should I care? Why is Middleware like underwear? Does E+2+E+P = ☺ ? What are the benefit to MTSU? Questions & comments are welcome!
What is Internet2 all about?
Our Mission & Goal To develop and deploy advanced network applications and technologies for research and higher education, accelerating the creation of tomorrow’s Internet. What do we do? We support deployment of required advanced application services: IPv6 QoS Measurement Security Multicast How are we organized? Board of Directors – University presidents/chancellors are the voting representatives Advisory councils with Board seats Applications Strategy Network Planning/Policy Network Research Liaison Industry Liaison Council
How does the necessary work get done? The “Work” is assigned to internal Groups which work with (and for!) our members Applications Engineering Middleware Network Infrastructure Partnerships
Where are the Members? 202 universities 66 corporations 40 non-profits & gov’t labs
Some of our Corporate Partners
University-led Federal agency-led Developing education and research-driven applications Agency mission-driven and general purpose applications Building out campus networks, gigaPoPs and inter-gigapop infrastructure Funding research testbeds and agency research networks Interconnecting and interoperating to provide advanced networking capabilities needed to support advanced research and education applications Internet2LSN What about the Federal Gov’t? Separate but Interdependent
How is it different from “Internet1”?
It’s more than & eBay! It’s all about Advanced Applications! 1.They deliver qualitative and quantitative improvements in how we conduct research and engage in teaching and learning. 2.They require advanced networks to work. Common attributes of such applications: Remote instrumentation and interactive collaboration Distributed data storage and data mining Large-scale, multi-site computation Real-time access to remote resources Dynamic data visualization Shared virtual reality
Where would you need or find such Applications? Different disciplines Sciences Arts Humanities Health care Business/Law Administration … Different places Library Classroom Clinic Office Laboratory Dorm room …
For example … Science & Engineering High Energy and Nuclear Physics (HENP) Generating multi-petabyte datasets, gigabytes per second per experiment, requires a cascading data storage model, near-zero packet loss per data stream, and a distributed database for end-user data manipulation. Each experiment requires input from hundreds of researchers around the world. Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEESGrid) Running hybrid experiments, synchronizing physical and computational experiments. Synchronizing large volumes of data of different types: sensor, video, etc.
For example … Health Sciences 3D Brain Map Visualization of data: real-time MRI, previously stored data, etc. Computational information transferred to supercomputers and used to understand brain functions in real time Very large multi-dimensional, multi-modal, time-varying data sets Biomedical Informatics Research Network (BIRN) Extremely large data sets and repositories Dynamically generate 3D visualizations from medical records Generating 36 Gbytes/day, so new models for search, retrieval, and analysis will be necessary
For example … Arts & Humanities University of Oklahoma Master Classes (Brian Shepard) High fidelity video and audio via MPEG2 Optimized latency, audio/video synchronization Connecting Oklahoma with the New World Symphony in Miami, Florida Dancing Beyond Boundaries: Distance Collaborative Dance Performance at SC2001 Hybrid performance combining local and remote performances between Florida, Minnesota, Denver, and Brazil Synchronizing choreography across the continent
For example … Remote Collaboration Virtual Room Videoconferencing System (VRVS) & the Access Grid Support multipoint video- conferencing, where distributed reflectors spread computationally expensive responsibility
For example … Remote Control Space Physics and Aeronomy Research Collaboratory SPARC University of Michigan Reduced problems related to: Travel (both location & cost) Time, space, and temperature Limited faculty/student access
For example … can extend to K12 Oklahoma – music instruction to K12 VRVS – language class exchange (English/Spanish) Physics/Science community – “Cootie” on H.323 sharing AP classes among K12 schools in the same county
What is “Abilene” and why should I care? Because you need a really Big Network for Advanced Applications!
Abilene … a really BIG NETWORK We needed one, so we “built” one … with a lot of help! vBNS – uncertain future, uncertain funding April 1998: Project announced at White House Jan 1999: Production status for network Partners: Qwest, Cisco, Nortel, Juniper, Indiana University … it’s not free … but it’s cheap! “on-ramps” are available from 12 GigaPops
Abilene backbone covers the Country
Here’s who is using Abilene
Can I rely on Abilene? It’s going to be around for a while! Original agreement with Qwest was amended on 1 October 2001 Extension of Qwest’s original commitment for another 5 years, to October 2006 It’s “growing up” and will continue to support Advanced Applications Upgrade of Abilene backbone to optical transport capability 4 times increase in core bandwidth, to 10 gigabits/second New wavelength capabilities
Abilene can take you places! APAN/TransPAC, Ca*net3, CERnet, GEMNET, IUCC, KOREN/KREONET2, NORDUnet, RENATER, REUNA, SURFnet, SingAREN, SINET, TAnet2, (ANSP, RNP2) OC12 NYCM BELNET, CA*net3, JANET, NORDUnet, SURFnet, TEN- 155*, (HEAnet) STTL CA*net3, AARnet SNVA GEMNET, (SINET) LOSA SingAREN, SINET, UNINET AmPATH (REUNA, RNP2, RETINA) OC3-12 UT El Paso (CUDI) CALREN2 CUDI * ARNES, BELNET, CARNET, CESnet, DFN, GRNET, HEAnet, RESTENA, SWITCH, HUNGARNET, GARR-B, POL-34, RCCN, RedIRIS STARTAP ( Science, Technology, and Research Transit Access Point )
Why is Middleware like underwear? … everybody needs it but nobody should see it …
Middleware Middleware is a layer of software between the network and the applications that performs: Authentication Identification Authorization Directories So, Middleware worries about: Who you are Where things are What you are permitted to do … even across institutional boundaries!
Current Internet2 Efforts Internet2 community has unique needs and capabilities Middleware Architecture Committee for Education Early Harvest and Early Adopters Internet2 Public Key Infrastructure Labs Shibboleth (inter-campus authentication) Directories NSF Middleware Initiative (with EDUCAUSE and SURA)
Does E+2+E+P = ☺ ?
What can I do when things aren’t right? Why doesn’t my application work? It did yesterday …. Even with high bandwidth network links, the Internet2 community often does not see expected performance. It’s harder to figure out who to call, who to blame, what needs to be fixed … all of us “normal” people need help!
Here’s the current problem … Applications Developer System Administrator LAN Administrator Campus Networking Gigapop BackboneCampus Networking LAN Administrator System Administrator Applications Developer How do you solve a problem along a path? Hey, this is not working right! The computer is working OK Talk to the other guysEverything is AOK No other complaints The network is lightly loaded All the lights are green We don’t see anything wrong Looks fine Others are getting in OK Not our problem
Applications Developer System Administrator LAN Administrator Campus Networking Gigapop BackboneCampus Networking LAN Administrator System Administrator Applications Developer Finger-Pointing Tool Time You ARE the Weakest Link! OK, I’ll fix it We need the “Gray Finger-Pointing Tool” Locate the Problem Terry Gray University of Washington
E2EP Initiative Bring together current measurement efforts and projects in the community. Establish an end-to-end measurement infrastructure from the intersection of these works. Create diagnostic tools to determine the health of the network and locate performance problems. E2E team working under direction of Network group (BNI) and involves the work and participation of NLANR, Web100, Corporate resources.
What’s the benefit of MTSU joining Internet2?
Knowledge and Influence Internet2 acts as a clearinghouse to help distribute information throughout the community. National Member Meetings Technical Workshops Advanced Applications Demonstrations Member Communication Resources Internet2 provides technical support. Software tools (monitoring, diagnostic) Loaner hardware (VBrick, AG node, H.323 MCU, etc.) Access to expertise (working groups) Internet2 provides access to necessary networks that allow your research & education capability to expand.
What is expected of an Internet2 member?
Expectations It will participate in Internet2 activities and pursue Internet2 goals. It will commit to the deployment of a high-performance network infrastructure on its campus. It will contribute to the advancement of research and educational uses of high- performance networking.
Membership Requirements A letter of commitment from the institution's Chief Executive Officer A brief statement of the applicant's status/progress toward meeting the goals of end-to-end broadband connectivity A completed Internet2 membership application Regular Membership dues $26,250/year
More Info... Bob Riddle Internet Boardwalk, Suite 200 Ann Arbor, MI