ECA225 Applied Interactive Programming Cascading Style Sheets, pt 1 ECA 225 Applied Online Programming
2 ECA225 Applied Interactive Programming CSS rules RULE h1 { color: red; } Declaration SelectorPropertyValue
3 ECA225 Applied Interactive Programming CSS rules cont … each rule has 2 parts selector: determines to which element a rule is applied declaration: the rules to apply to the selector property: the name of the CSS property that describes the formatting being applied value: an allowable option to set or describe the property a rule may have more than one declaration semicolon must end declarations semicolon is optional for the last pair
4 ECA225 Applied Interactive Programming Applying CSS can be applied three ways: 1. Internal 2. External 3. Inline Internal rules are placed inside tags in section h1 { color: red; }
5 ECA225 Applied Interactive Programming Selectors element type to apply a rule to more than one element, separate them with a comma h1 { color: red; } h1, h2 { color: red; } This will be red> So will this
6 ECA225 Applied Interactive Programming Selectors cont … class can be used more than once in HTML case sensitive prefixed with dot.redText { color: red; } This will be red
7 ECA225 Applied Interactive Programming Selectors cont … class cont … can be used alone or contextually with elements h1.redText { color: red; } This will be red This will not
8 ECA225 Applied Interactive Programming Selectors cont … id unique identifier – can only be used once in HTML prefixed with hash or pound sign # #redText { color: red; } This will be red This will be red ILLEGAL
9 ECA225 Applied Interactive Programming Selectors cont … context nested elements can be considered as parent/child nested relationship is indicated without use of comma h1 em { color: red; } This word is red
10 ECA225 Applied Interactive Programming Selectors cont … context cont … many properties are inherited ie, if a property belongs to the parent, it also applies to the child #div1{ color: red; } This is my header
11 ECA225 Applied Interactive Programming Selectors cont … context cont … other properties, such as borders, are not inherited #border1{ border-style: double; border-width: thin; } This is my header This is my paragraph
12 ECA225 Applied Interactive Programming Selectors cont … context cont … classes or ids can be nested inside one another{ color: green; } This is green
13 ECA225 Applied Interactive Programming Selectors cont … pseudo-class special type of class that allows formatting based on a state or condition if a link has been visited or not if the mouse passes over the link when the link is clicked a:link{ color: blue; text-decoration: none; } a:visited{ color: pink; text-decoration: none; } a:hover{ color: purple; text-decoration: underline; } a:link{ color: red; text-decoration: underline; }
14 ECA225 Applied Interactive Programming Selectors cont … pseudo-class special type of class that allows formatting based on a state or condition first letter of every paragraph first line of every paragraph p:first-line{ font-size: 120%; } p:first-letter{ font-size: 150%; font-weight: bold; }
15 ECA225 Applied Interactive Programming Applying CSS can be applied three ways: 1. Internal 2. External 3. Inline External external stylesheet is a separate document to apply the same stylesheet to more than one page of a website provides consistent look to modify look of site, make changes in one place
16 ECA225 Applied Interactive Programming Applying CSS External cont … no HTML in external stylesheet no tags in external stylesheet save as text file, with.css extension to apply external stylesheet to an HTML document, link the document from inside the section
17 ECA225 Applied Interactive Programming Applying CSS External cont … an HTML document can link to more than one external stylesheet at a time, as well as an internal sheet if a conflict occurs, precedence is given to the rule defined last URLs in an external stylesheet are relative to the location of the stylesheet, not the document linking to it
18 ECA225 Applied Interactive Programming Applying CSS Inline used to apply style locally within an HTML tag use style as an attribute, the rule as the value separate definitions with a semicolon This word is red.
19 ECA225 Applied Interactive Programming Comments CSS comments /* This is a comment */ using comments is a good way to debug a stylesheet which is not working do not confuse /* */ with //
20 ECA225 Applied Interactive Programming Box Model OUR CONTENT margin border padding