Box Model for the GSL Hydrologic System Thuan Chau, Mason Edwards NASA 2003
Box Model E.T. DB P DB E GSL P GSL Q Drainage Basin (DB) Great Salt Lake (GSL) Bear River Weber River Utah Lake Horsburgh 2010
H 2nd = - 4E-06x x H 3rd = 5E-10x 3 - 7E-06x x H 4th = 4E-14x 4 + 9E-11x 3 - 6E-06x x H 5th = 4E-16x 5 - 4E-12x 4 + 1E-08x 3 - 3E-05x x H =4.5E-10x 3 – 7.4E-06x x Polynomial Determination Curry 1984
P DB (m/yr) P GSL (m/yr) ET DB (m/yr) E GSL (m/yr) Area DB (mi 2 ) Area GSL (mi 2 ) Surface Elevation Model (ft) Surface Elevation Record (ft) Difference (%) Current Gilbert Provo Bonneville Stansbury Conditions to Reproduce Prehistoric Shorelines Model Limitations and Further Considerations: Effect of isostasy Change in evapotranspiration with lake level