Webpage Editors Notepad++ TextWrangler (Mac Users) Dreamweaver Editplus ngler/
Document Type Definition DTD tag points to URI and Formal Public Identifier (FPI) for the actual definition file. HTML5 simplifies the DTD tag:
HTML5 Shim IE9 fully supports HTML5, not less than IE9 Solutions: make IE read the comments and define new elements
HTML5 Tag List US/docs/HTML/HTML5/HTML5_element_list US/docs/HTML/HTML5/HTML5_element_list _elements.asp _elements.asp
Essential Tags
Special Characters Character Code # # $ $ © © or © ® ® < < > > & & " " (space)
Canvas vs. SVG SVG uses XML DOM Supports event handlers
Color Spaces in CSS Name: aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, grey, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white, and yellow #rrggbb rgb(rrr,ggg,bbb) rgba(rrr,ggg,bbb,a) a=0 transparent transparent lack of background color (default) transparent same as parent element
CSS selectors Tag selector Class selector ID selector h1, #id,.class { property: values } [quoted if values have spaces]
HTML5 semantic tags,,, and
HTML 5 figures
Box model 2-D box model 3-D CSS box model
HTML 5 Drop and Drag
HTML 5 geolocation navigator.geolocation getCurrentPosition(doing_func_if_succ) function doing_func_if_succ() Errors: error.PERMISSION_DENIED error.POSITION_UNAVAILABLE error.TIMEOUT error.UNKNOWN_ERROR
HTML 5 videos and audios
HTML 5 new input types color date datetime datetime-local month number range search tel time url week
HTML5 new form element
HTML5 local storage Storage localStorage - stores data with no expiration date sessionStorage - stores data for one session localStorage.key=“value”
HTML5 cache...
HTML 5 Server Sent Event Automatic update from server Good for temporary file detection var source=new EventSource(“somefile.php"); source.onmessage=function(event) { document.getElementById("result").innerHT + " "; };
Call php in HTML or javascript function javaFunction(){var url=", "_self"); }
HTML call javascript function myFunction() { alert("Hello World!"); } Try it document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML=myFunction();
HTML call php Name: Age: Welcome ! You are years old.