Please answer the following questions before the session on the notepad at your table and turn in to the presenter (Mark) 1. How familiar are you with organizations and publications in your discipline that focus on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning? Not Familiar 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 Very Familiar 2.What organizations or publications in your discipline focus on the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 3. What web sites do you visit to find out about the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Helping College Teachers Explore and Publish in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Merlot Conference 2004 Mark McCallon Abilene Christian University
Introduction – Abilene Christian University Private master’s level university Enrollment of 4,700 Approximately 200 faculty Strong teaching focus with research requirement
Beginnings… ( ) Joined AAHE’s Campus Conversations (now called Campus Program) Met with academic departments to develop a definition of SOTL for the institution
Definition of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (for Institution) The Scholarship of teaching is public discourse conceptualizing teaching. The scholarship of teaching and learning opens the classroom door and creates a culture that values teaching. Like traditional research, it is made public, subjected to peer review and used by other members of the scholarly community.
Results of Faculty Discussions ( ) Faculty have a heavy teaching load and have limited opportunity for research Faculty were not motivated or trained in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
SOTL Workshops ( ) Dr. Samuel Thompson - Indiana University – Bloomington –From Coffee Conversation to Scholarly Products Dr. Laurie Richlin – Claremont Graduate University –Video Conference to assist ACU Scholars with SOTL
Teaching Learning/Scholars Program One-Year Commitment Monthly training opportunities Training in how to design and complete SOTL projects Support and interaction with faculty who share interest in SOTL $200 stipend for materials and research Feedback from mentor program of Teaching/Learning Scholars
Library’s Role in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Publishing in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning From the ACU SOTL Web Site: The Scholarship of Teaching is public discourse conceptualizing teaching Public is making our work accessible to others for critical review and use. Discourse includes such varied contexts as curriculum committees, faculty development presentations, Web publications, teaching portfolios, or journal articles.
Publishing in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning What is the Dilemma facing faculty? “Across the board, the professoriate is sadly unaware of the literature on teaching and learning” Richlin and Cox (1991, p.6)
Consult Choose & Apply Conduct Document Analyze Obtain Literature an intervention Systematic Observations Results Peer Observation Evaluation Add to Base Disseminate Submit Prepare Place into Synthesize Identify Publish for Peer Manuscript Context of Results Key Present Review Knowledge Issues Knowledge Base of Teaching & Learning in Higher Education ONGOING CYCLE OF SCHOLARLY TEACHING & THE SCHOLARSHIP OF TEACHING (RICHLIN, 2000)
Consult Choose & Apply Conduct Document Analyze Obtain Literature an intervention Systematic Observations Results Peer Observation Evaluation add to Disseminate Submit Prepare Place into Synthesize Identify Publish for Peer Manuscript Context of Results Key Present Review Knowledge Issues Base Knowledge Base of Teaching & Learning in Higher Education ONGOING CYCLE OF SCHOLARLY TEACHING & THE SCHOLARSHIP OF TEACHING (RICHLIN, 2000)
Laying the groundwork for publishing in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Myths about Research in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Research on issues of pedagogy is not of practical help to college faculty members and institutions The sharing of one’s teaching practices is not viewed highly by professionals on a national and international basis. Disciplinary research is the only legitimate model of scholarship among college faculty. Journals focused on teaching and learning are generally weak, less reputable and of lower quality than disciplinary research journals.
Characteristics of Journals focused on Teaching and Learning Many focus on methods and techniques of teaching In some cases, the journal does not specialize in higher education Articles can be cross-disciplinary in nature
Preparation of Bibliography of Journals on SOTL
Purpose Provide a list of venues for ACU SOTL scholars to publish pedagogical research To provide a list of resources for scholars to research and find out what others have done pertaining to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning To increase the visibility of SOTL among faculty and researchers
Results Over 380 journals listed Web sites found for over 240 Available circulation (subscriber) statistics range from 150 up to over 200,000 Over 40 subject areas represented
Future of the Bibliography Provide opportunity for faculty to add journals as needed Receive help from faculty on adding other venues for publishing SOTL (conferences, workshops, etc.) Make faculty members aware of the journals that are available for them in their research and for publication.