Matching educational opportunities with competences Charalampos Thanopoulos Agro-Know Technologies Christian Stracke University of Duisburg-Essen Pollenzo, Bra, Italy October 25, 2012 Workshop on Agricultural Education, Methods, Practices and Technologies
Certificate LearningLabour Competence CerOrganic curriculum
Competence description Means the proven ability to use knowledge, skills and personal, social and / or methodological abilities in work and study situations and in professional and/or personal development. Competences represent the knowledge, skills, traits, attitudes, self- concepts, values or motives directly related to job performance or important life outcomes and shown to differentiate between superior and average performers. Competence is a measurable human capability that is required for effective performance. It may be comprised of knowledge, a single skill or ability, a personal characteristic, or a cluster of two or more of these attributes. Competences are the building blocks of work performance. The performance of most tasks requires the simultaneous or sequenced demonstration of multiple competences EQF, 2008 McClelland, 1973 Hoge et al., 2005
Common schema on the Competence description Competence: = Knowledge + Skills (+ individual ability) Activities: = Performance of Knowledge + Skills + Competences (+ individual ability) Competences can be built and exist without being demonstrated and performed. They are non-observable; they are only shown and observable by acting, i.e. by performance and activities. Only activities can be observed and measured. WACOM, 2010 eCOTOOL, 2011 AGRICOM, 2012
Competence example Required Competences for an Agricultural Expert in Organic Crop production o Selection of appropriate crops for a particular situation o Managing organic crops o Harvesting organic crops o Storage of organic crops
Competences differentiation General Competences (Key Competences) e.g. methods and processes are normally built after basic education and training Specific Competences Simple CompetencesComplex Competences e.g. specialist knowledge in a certain domain A complex competence can be composed of two, three or more simple competences.
Key Competences ( /publ/pdf/ll-learning/keycomp_en.pdf) /publ/pdf/ll-learning/keycomp_en.pdf 1.Communication in the mother tongue 2.Communication in the foreign languages 3.Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology 4.Digital competence 5.Learning to learn 6.Interpersonal, intercultural, social and civic competence 7.Entrepreneurship 8.Cultural expression
Example of Key Competences Key Competences for an Agricultural Expert in Organic Crop Production Reading Writing Cognitive Individual responsibility Wiliness to learn Self-knowledge Persistence and confidence Honesty Giving respect
Example of Specific Competences Differentiation between competences Complex - Simple Competences Complex Competence Writing technical reports Problem solving Writing Computer competence Simple Competences
Use cases & Examples
Job Profile
Example: Job Profile
Description of a course
Description of a Certificate
Example of a Europass CS description
Description of Competences
Examples of Competences I
Examples of Competences II
Conclusions: Benefits of implementing Competences Better description of Job profiles Recognition of qualifications Labour market requirements (Imposed by the occupational circumstances) Support a better match between the needs of labour market for knowledge, skills and competences and Initial / Vocational Education and Training Transparency and comparability of training opportunities Facilitate the validation of the non-formal and informal learning Gap analysis / Measurement of training needs
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