doc.: IEEE /0326r0 Submission Month Year Tom Siep, CSRSlide 1 Use Case Ref List Doc Discussion Date: Authors:
doc.: IEEE /0326r0 Submission Abstract This slide set is to be used as a vehicle to discuss form and content of ai-Use-Case-Reference-List-for-TGai.docx March 2011 Tom Siep, CSRSlide 2
doc.: IEEE /0326r0 Submission Introductory Text IEEE devices are increasingly becoming more mobile devices. TGai project’s primary need comes from an environment where a large number of mobile users are constantly entering and leaving the coverage area of an access point (AP) in an extended service set (ESS). Every time the mobile device enters an ESS, the mobile device has to do an initial set-up to establish wireless local area network (LAN) connectivity. This works well when the number of new stations (STAs) in a given time period is small. It requires efficient mechanisms that scales well when a high number of users simultaneously enter an ESS. This requires the ESS to minimize the time the STAs spend in initial link setup, while maintaining secure authentication. Month Year Tom Siep, CSRSlide 3
doc.: IEEE /0326r0 Submission Text to be added to Intro Discussion of pre-knowledge needs to be added: e.g. a database downloaded that might give clues to know which channels are available or different secure ID scheme. Shortcut to authentication (perhaps pre- cached credentials). [ACTION ITEM TO ASSIGN TEXT WRITING] March 2011 Tom Siep, CSRSlide 4
doc.: IEEE /0326r0 Submission TOC 1 Introduction3 2Use Cases4 3Use case categories6 3.1Pedestrian Electronic Payment Traveler Information Internet Access Mobile Accessible Pedestrian Signal System7 3.2Vehicle Electronic Payment Traveler Information Internet Access Emergency Services Inspections Resource Management11 3.3Transit Station arrival Passenger In-transit access Station Lobby Connection Protection Dynamic Transit Operations12 3.4Switchover13 March 2011 Tom Siep, CSRSlide 5
doc.: IEEE /0326r0 Submission Pedestrian Use Cases 3.1.1Electronic Payment 3.1.2Traveler Information 3.1.3Internet Access 3.1.4Mobile Accessible Pedestrian Signal System March 2011 Tom Siep, CSRSlide 6
doc.: IEEE /0326r0 Submission Vehicle Use Cases 3.2.1Electronic Payment 3.2.2Traveler Information 3.2.3Internet Access 3.2.4Emergency Services 3.2.5Inspections 3.2.6Resource Management March 2011 Tom Siep, CSRSlide 7
doc.: IEEE /0326r0 Submission Transit Use Cases 3.3.1Station arrival 3.3.2Passenger In-transit access 3.3.3Station Lobby 3.3.4Connection Protection 3.3.5Dynamic Transit Operations March 2011 Tom Siep, CSRSlide 8
doc.: IEEE /0326r0 Submission Switchover Use Case [text needed] March 2011 Tom Siep, CSRSlide 9
doc.: IEEE /0326r0 Submission Month Year John Doe, Some CompanySlide 10 References ai-Use-Case-Reference-List-for-TGai.docx ai-proposed-dynamic-mobility-use-cases- for-tgai.docx ai-use-cases-for-tgai.docx