Pre-Contact North Carolina __________– people native to an area ________BC – people arrive in North America 3 early Native American cultures A. _____-Indian - Nomads B. ________ – Hunter-Gatherers C. Woodland/______________ – Hunter/Farmers
West Africa Societies were similar to North America Carried on most of their trade with Europe and Asia Became the center of the world’s ______ trade Slaves A. ___ ____________ B. ___________ C. People ___________ from other tribes
Europe ______ _____ – 500 to 1500 A.D. – widespread starvation, ______, disease, and ______ in Europe The ___________ – the rebirth of _________, art, and __________ _____________ becomes main religion of Europe _________ – brought Europe into contact with Asia, Europeans gained desire for Asian ______ ______ _____ traveled from Italy to China in ____; wrote book about adventures; made people want to travel New technologies – _____, sails, _______, guns Expanding ___________ – needed more space
Trade increased – merchants wanted access to Asia – ______, ____, porcelain Three G’s—in this order 1. ____ *any riches (gold, silver, resources) Most important to most explorers 2. ___ *to convert natives 3. _____ *to make a name for themselves Main trade route was called the ____ ____ – long and dangerous land route ________ – led European exploration for water route to Asia – Vasco da Gama ________ – small, fast ships good for exploring
Christopher Columbus First European explorers to reach the Americas were _______ – ____ _________ – Canada – around 1000 A.D. _________ _________ – Italian sailor working for Spain – looking for Western water route to Asia ____ – 3 ships, 90 men – landed in Caribbean on the island of San Salvador, encountered the _____ tribe Columbus makes _ more trips to the New World _____ is first European country to permanently _________ the New World _____________ - first spanish conqueror (____________) Conquered the ________ in ______.
Other Explorers _______ ________ – 1 st European to find the __________ of the Americas – 1499, 1502 _________ __ _________ – 1 st European to reach North Carolina – _____ French – _______ _______ – ________ coast of North America ________ – Central and South America
Roanoke Voyages English made _ voyages to the _____ _____ of North Carolina (1584, 1585, 1587); organized by ___ ______ _______ (NC capital named for him) 1 st voyage—led by Arthur _______ and Philip ______ - landed at ________ - named land ________ for Queen __________ (the Virgin Queen) – two local Indians (_______ and __________) came back to England with them 2 nd voyage—led by Richard ________ and Ralph ____ - found ____________ Bay, attempted to create military settlement – mostly soldiers who spent their time looking for gold – relied on the ________ to feed them
ended in violence with local natives, colony was abandoned 3 rd voyage—The ____ _______ – settled on ________ Island—a colony of men, women, and children led by ____ ______ – ________ _____ – 1 st English child born in the New World lacked supplies and food – White returns to _______, but cannot return for _____ years – Entire colony is gone when he comes back – No one knows what happened to them.
Jamestown 1st _________ _____ settlement – Virginia in ____ ____ _____ (military leader), John _____ (tobacco), ___________ (married Rolfe, not Smith) Colony almost did not survive – bad location 1608 – _________ ____ _____ (a big year): House of Burgesses (1 st representative assembly), English _____ arrive, 1 st ________ brought as Indentured Servants